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Monday 22 May 2023 Day 19 of Pacific crossing

Day 19 - sailing beautifully in the Trades...

10am Just had my morning coffee - that coffee pot gets regular use!

Failed to get the pole up yesterday - will try again shortly, although it's not really needed just now - we're making ~5kt on a heading that's nicely in the right direction - always good!

Weather is good - a few clouds around in sunny sky, a myriad of stars at night.... A bit rolly but not too bad - except when trying to manoeuvre a pole on the foredeck!!

All very pleasant just now.

It's looking like a weekend landfall (late Saturday?) and I'm hearing it's a holiday weekend - perfect for sneaking in to a small anchorage somewhere since shan't be able to clear in until Tuesday, when offices open again!

Midday - YAY!!!! Finally got the pole up after a lot of effort, both this morning and yesterday - thought I'd never manage it .... But "Where there's a will, there's a way!" So very true....!

So we're now heading on 240T towards the Marquesas in just under 10kt wind from just N of E. We're making around 5.6 kt under a blue sky with a few scattered white clouds and slightly reduced swell - very pleasant sailing conditions!

I'm about to celebrate with a coffee and some chocolate following on after a nice lunch....

Written by : Jeanne Socrates