2nd-4th November Back to "Nereida"(Photo: Tree ferns & mountains near Col de Fourche)
Originally uploaded by svNereida
2nd-4th November Back to "Nereida"(Photo: Tree ferns & mountains near Col de Fourche)
Over the weekend, I've provisioned, got fuel & generally been getting 'Nereida' ready for
the next leg - to South Africa, which will complete my Indian Ocean crossing. A lot of time
has been spent at the local Internet cafe, trying to get weather information (and emailing)
- not so easy when the service provider keeps going down...!!
Both Friday and Saturday, there have been people out & about at the marina relaxing - a live
band on the opposite side of the marina... lots of people playing music from their car while
they enjoy a barbecue or picnic food - all very sociable!
The winds look as though they may be rather light, but I'm hoping not to have to motor too
much. We'll see....
Life is precious - make the most of it!