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S/V Nereida sails around the world

Day Twenty from Cape Town to Hobart - gentle day's sailing .., and a young albat

Sunday 26th February 2012

Much calmer conditions this morning, after a night of NW following winds around 30 knots with much-reduced canvas. We surfed often in the big seas (~6-7m), but not too fastl! Wind backed to WSW with a cold front passing over around dawn, so I had to gybe onto starboard tack. Sky cleared nicely for a time - lovely, gentle, sunny sailing... By midday, sky was overcast and it was raining slightly in slightly increased winds - to around 23 knots.. Seas still quite big, so we have been rolling gently, on a broad reach - all day, in fact. Well before sunset, most of the cloud had cleared away. The pressure has slowly risen over the day - there's a High pressure area just N of us giving us the present nice conditions, but there's also a small Low developing to our SW which is forecast to bring some stronger winds on yet another Cold Front, with its associated wind shift, later tomorrow and into Monday night.

Spent a lot of time looking up Australian and New Zealand radio and weather info for emailing to Greg (VE0MUR) - a Canadian single-hander, who's just left Kerguelen on 'Alcidae' - he also comes up on the S.African M.M.Net each morning. I first met him on the radio when I was sailing from Gough Island (S of Tristan da Cunha) in April last year, on my way to Cape Town. Sorting out the info has been a useful exercise, ready for when I get closer to Australia - their weather info is readily available by radio and it's accurate, as is that of New Zealand. All it takes is getting the timing right for listening to their voice weather forecasts and weatherfaxes.... a good alarm is vital!

Fresh coffee as a Sunday treat!

Sunshine most of the day... Sailing along pleasantly, despite the still big seas. 5-7m, I'd say - always difficult to judge but when they get this big, I imagine looking out from an upstairs window, down into the troughs, to try to gauge how big the seas are! It's quite a long swell - often 8-11 secod interval - which is what makes it acceptable when the wind is down.

Having slowed down last night, as a precaution, when winds got to 28-32 knots just before midnight, we didn't beat any distance records today:
DMG a mere 109 n.ml.! With sunset approaching, I just furled in some more genoa with winds gusting up ... and they promptly died back! The current is cutting our boatspeed down from 6 kt to nearer 5 kt.

It was time to watch the the birds and seas as the sun went down. There was the cresent moon - shining silver bright through bright pink, thin clouds - a lovely effect! And later, there were Venus and Jupiter both shining brightly, seemingly equidistant from the Moon - Venus at 9 o'clock and Jupiter at 1 o'clock.

I'd been watching the White-chinned petrels that seem to be keeping us constant company when I suddenly realised that one of them had a lot of white on its face ... Having just thought I'd not seen any albatross for a day or so, there, gliding around on long, fixed wings, was a juvenile Wandering Albatross - chocolate brown upperwings and body, large white area on face with pale bill, pale underwings with black tips... Fabulous! A good end to a relaxing day, as I watched many more stars appear in the clear sky overhead!!

Day Nineteen from Cape Town to Hobart -stormy overnight weather abates, but big

Saturday 25th February 2012

A lovely sunset - long, low, thin lines of golden cloud... As a bonus for waiting , as I sipped my tea, there was a thin silver crescent moon hanging low, with bright Venus shining above.

The day has been far pleasanter than last night...! Needing to heave to just before sunset, in winds regularly up to around 40 knots and seas becoming high and rough and tossing us about, is never a pleasant experience and yesterday was no exception, although at least I did finally get a good sleep until just before dawn. The boat's motion was not smooth because the seas were so rough, but safe in my bunk that didn't seem to matter too much. And my 'ready-made' meal was definitely very welcome before I settled down to sleep!

Interestingly, despite boatspeed being zero almost all the time, we were taken at around 2-3 knots SOG by a strong current all the time (about 14 hrs) we were hove-to - a total distance of 41 miles NNE! Some current!

The sky cleared to give a lovely sunny day and the wind died down by early morning (7a.m.) to around 23knots - and stayed at that over most of the day. The wind has been mainly W-NW, which has made for pleasant broad-reaching at a good speed, without the need to pole out the genoa, our course being E-ESE with a SW current over the daytime. (The current is clearly tidal and is presently slowing us down quite a bit whereas at other times it has been very helpful!)

I'm finally back into good Winlink connections at certain times of day (mainly via VK6KPS near Perth and YB0AJZ on Java) whereas Sailmail (which my website link comes to) has been difficult for the last few days - so send any emails to Winlink if you want to be sure I see them promptly! Otherwise, there could be a wait until I get better connections -as will happen eventually, for sure!

From the weather info I have, we should keep the present conditions, fair-sized swell included, with possibly lighter winds by early Monday, before a Low passes close S of us, bringing a Cold Front and stronger winds during the day - with the usual backing of the wind as the Front passes over. Let's hope the winds don't get up as much as yesterday!

Time for my hot stew...

DMG (noon-to-noon) .... a mere 78mls! Present position (at 1750GMT/9.50pm LT Saturday): 41 18'S, 064 10'E; wind NW 25kt (just gusted 28kt .. might furl in some genoa for overnight!); COG 105T; SOG ~5.5kt (boatspeed ~7kt)

Day Eighteen from Cape Town to Hobart -stormy weather with the Cold Front...

Friday 24th February 2012

Wind had died down overnight into morning, from NNE 25knots in the evening, but would occasionally gust up.... Pressure kept dropping - to 997 at 10am - so we were clearly getting close to that Cold Front, although wind was still NE-NNE ... Sky covered in thin overcast, with slight fog early on and the sun trying hard to get through later.

Got myself so worried overnight, with the uncertainty of when exactly the supposedly strong front would come through, that I reduced sail vastly to just triple-reefed mains'l and slightly furled stays'l, closehauled - which almost stopped the boat! It was rather like being 'hove-to', except we were making about 2 knots on a close reach - lying at about 50 degrees off the wind - perfect! I decided to leave things like that, since it felt nice and steady, with none of the banging into the seas we'd had before ... and had an excellent few hours of sleep until just after dawn!

Soon after, by adding in a fair bit of genoa, we made a good speed for a time - until the wind died down again. Around midday, the NE wind had started backing, bit by bit ...to N 12 kt as pressure dropped to 993. ... All very slow and gentle - felt almost like being in a High. But almost as soon as I'd completed my daily position report, conditions quickly changed - the wind increased rapidly and at the same time we were into big seas. I got ready for heaving to, furling in all but a tiny bit of the genoa and all of the staysail and, for a time, we sped along like that, keeping the wind astern, making good progress. We were headed due E virtually on a run - so things felt quite comfortable, in winds of around 35 knots, gusting to over 40kt and occasionally dropping to near 30kt.

But soon enough, the seas built up more with the continued strong wind and it definitely felt like time to stop when our speed was regularly up to 8-10kt in 40kt winds, with seas getting rougher and sunset close. It's always difficult to get out on deck at that point, but it had to be done... Not only were we beginning to go too fast, the seas were tossing us around too much as well. I furled in the last of the genoa as we rounded to head upwind under main alone. The boat was stopped and all I had to do was to tie the wheel in position and adjust the mainsheet and preventer to hold the boom in place... 0.0 boatspeed - good. I stayed for quite a bit to watch how the boat fared in the big seas... The sky had partly cleared, sunset was imminent and there were lots of birds wheeling around in the strong winds and dipping into the stormy seas... When birds fly backward, you know the wind is definitely very strong!! ...All OK. Down below to take off wet foulies and heat up that welcome stew I made yesterday!

1630GMT/8.30pm LT: The stew was great ... and the wind is still around 37-40 kt. Not expected to die down until after dawn - a long night... Time to take to my bunk... after I've posted this, hopefully.

To my surprise, on trying 14300 kHz this morning, just before 0400GMT/8a.m. LT, I clearly heard Randy, KH6RC, on frequency for the Pacific Seafarers Net (he's in Hilo, Hawaii!) and after a short chat, he passed me over to Jane, NH7TZ, on Kauai, another Hawaiian island - incredible that we had such good propagation for that distance (over 8500ml via S of Australia, more if across the Antarctic from here). I couldn't make out John, VK4DBJ, in Queensland, Australia, nor anyone else, at all. Randy seemed to think the radio waves were using the 'long hop' rather than the 'short hop' - across the night-time region to the W, rather than the daytime region of the Earth to the E .... However it happened, it was good to hear them so clearly and to be able to chat to them after a long time absent from the Net.

DMG today, not surprisingly, low at just 92ml - likely to be even less tomorrow! A current is taking us NNE at well over 2 knots, despite zero boatspeed through the water! So far we've made about 7 miles... pity it's not in the right direction!

Day Seventeen from Cape Town to Hobart - murky, foggy & clammy, ahead of cold fr

Thursday 23rd February 2012

1430GMT/6.30pm LT - Enjoying a cup of coffee with a chocolate brownie while I make a fresh stew ready for the bad weather probably coming up overnight and into tomorrow, as the Cold Front from a deep depression further S swings by us. It's expected to pass over with an abrupt wind change - backing from N-NNE to W-SW in what could well be a very short time - it's happened within moments before now, so I'm always half-expecting that - not very pleasant, if that does occur!

The pressure is expected to drop way down, to well below 1000 hPa, with strong winds both ahead of the front as well as behind it - so I might just decide to heave to and let it all pass over while I relax - not sure of the timing exactly, although it will possibly be mid-morning tomorrow... Soon after the front passes, there's expected to be a big swell - right into Sunday and on overnight into Monday.

The wind has been around 15knots all day, shifting from N overnight to NNE to ENE for a short spell and now it's back at NNE. We're still in wind-vane mode so as the wind shifts, we simply follow it around - makes life much simpler! Our course presently is just S of E and we're making around 5 knots - the current is cutting our speed down just now. For the next few days, the best course to take would seem to be due E.

Better go and see to my stew - so far it's got onions, potatoes, tomatoes, sweetcorn, peas, red peppers, and ham - should be good!

1500GMT/7pm LT - sunset - but nothing to see through the murky clouds.... No Venus or Jupiter today. It's just getting duller and darker... Swell is not too bad so far - it's from NE at around 3m on our port bow - slightly bumpy, but OK.

Time to see if Cape Naval's latest weatherfax is being transmitted - so far today they've managed zero out of three transmissions! When they come, they're very useful but all I've had so far has been the carrier signal and nothing else (and nothing happening now, so far... 20 minutes past the start time ... useful!).

Today's 24hr DMG: 122 .ml. Present position: 41S, 060E Wind getting up to 20+ knots... Pressure 1012 hPa.

Day Sixteen from Cape Town to Hobart - bright sunshine, but rough beating to wea

Wednesday 22nd February 2012

Hardly a cloud in the sky from mid-morning on... but wind still NNW, at 14-20 knots, most of the day, so on port tack and close-hauled, beating into swell and wind-chop - not as comfortable as it could be. The wind is slowly veering, so our course will change more to the East, possibly to ESE, with it - we're in wind-vane mode just now, keeping our angle to the wind constant, so we`ll follow the wind as it veers.

Been carefully looking at weather charts - gribs and faxes - trying to see which way to head for the best ... Ex-TC Giovanna might be gone but the other remnant of a TS to our N and the deep Low to our SW are still objects of concern - looks as though we'll be within 200 miles or so of both of them on Friday when the cold front of the Low will also pass over us with possibly very strong winds. Until then, things look fairly calm and easy, with just Friday`s strong weather to worry about ...

Managed a couple of long, slow radio connections, to catch up with emails and weather info - not easy due to our distance from land and the shore radio stations.
Was upset to hear that my daily log reports since Day One might not have been arriving on my website each day as they ought to have done... the problem might lie with those posted via Sailmail not being accepted - a lot of time & effort wasted, if that's the case... I re-posted Tuesday's report, just in case, while I had a Winlink connection - using a station on the far West of Java, near the Sunda Strait!

Enjoyed the sunset tonight, with Venus and Jupiter so very bright in a clear sky not far above the horizon. I nearly missed seeing it, being busy on the wet foredeck retrieving a loose pole downhaul end and yet another stanchion-base line-lead which had lost a nut and bolt and so come adrift... Later, I got rid of some water which had appeared in the engine compartment - from a leaking propshaft seal, I wondered. Needs keeping an eye on and checking out.

It`s been nice to have had emails from people I know from when I sailed this way last time, looking forward to making radio contact as I get closer to Australia and New Zealand.

DMG: 157 n.ml. - helped by a strong SE-flowing current from Indian Ocean (sea temp is 20C!) over much of the time and good wind.

Day Fifteen from Cape Town to Hobart - bright sunshine, good wind.... into a new

Tuesday 21st February 2012

Sipping a mid-morning, rare cup of much-enjoyed fresh coffee, watching the White-chins circle around as we sail nicely on port tack under clear blue skies (not a cloud in sight!) in NNW4 (11-13 knots). An awesome pair of Great albatross have also been flying very close again (almost certainly New Zealand Wandering from black on the tail end and splashes of white on dark upper wings). Wind has been increasing very slowly (it was 4-6 knots just after midnight) as the High centre moves off to the ENE but is still close.

Having increasing problems with radio connections for weather and emails - so please don't send me any long emails just now!

Just noticed that we're E of 52.5E - and so into a new time zone - GMT+4 - must change my clock!

Pressure was up at 1025 for several hours and has now dropped to 1024. So I've changed course slightly, to due E, looking ahead to the next deep Low coming this way and giving strong conditions by late Thursday into Fri/Sat. I'll change course later to 070T when the wind backs further - If I can get a little further N by Thursday/Friday , I might avoid the worst of the winds and big swell. Might even be able to avoid needing to heave to ..... An ever repeating scenario!

The good news is that ex-TC 'Giovanna' seems to have disappeared completely and her associate ex-TS 'Hilary' is a relatively small depression just E of Mauritius at midnight. So there might still be an area of heavy rain on Friday, as I get to just W of where the remnant might have travelled to, but even that might not happen... who knows?

1120 GMT/3.20pm LT: Just finished fuel transfer from jerrycans into main tank. Spent a time chasing what I thought was a 12V wiring or plug problem - but, having followed through with multimeter, clearly cable/12V plug/switch/pump were all fine electrically. Pump seems to work erratically , almost as though there's a cut-out of some kind... Left it to start a weatherfax download (which never came through) and then heard a high whining noise - the pump had suddenly decided to work of its own accord - good news but frustrating...!! So now have approx 160l of fuel in tank - plenty (@ 40l/week of remaining passage) for genset use overnight when needed - such as when transmit on radio a lot, trying to connect. Daytime, when sun is shining, we're often putting in 8-16A from solar panels plus input from windgen - which can go up to 20A or more, if strong wind.... so genset rarely used then.

1700 GMT/6pm LT What a lovely day this has been! Lovely sailing, lovely sunshine, many different birds around over the day. All very relaxing... I've changed course to 070T, heading towards 40S, 060E. Making good speed closehauled in 13 knots of wind. (See website 'Travels' page for link to chart of my daily positions on passage.) I'll see if I can post this early, when radio propagation is marginally better than later this evening.

24 hr DMG to midday (GMT): Just 99 n.ml. - due to 12 hrs of little wind overnight, when speed dropped to 2-3 knots at times.

Day Fourteen from Cape Town to Hobart - bright sunshine, good wind.... into a new time zone...

Tuesday 21st February 2012

Sipping a mid-morning, rare cup of much-enjoyed fresh coffee, watching the White-chins circle around as we sail nicely on port tack under clear blue skies (not a cloud in sight!) in NNW4 (11-13 knots). An awesome pair of Great albatross have also been flying very close again (almost certainly New Zealand Wandering from black on the tail end and splashes of white on dark upper wings). Wind has been increasing very slowly (it was 4-6 knots just after midnight) as the High centre moves off to the ENE but is still close.

Having increasing problems with radio connections for weather and emails - so please don't send me any long emails just now!

Just noticed that we're E of 52.5E - and so into a new time zone - GMT+4 - must change my clock!

Pressure was up at 1025 for several hours and has now dropped to 1024. So I've changed course slightly, to due E, looking ahead to the next deep Low coming this way and giving strong conditions by late Thursday into Fri/Sat. I'll change course later to 070T when the wind backs further - If I can get a little further N by Thursday/Friday , I might avoid the worst of the winds and big swell. Might even be able to avoid needing to heave to ..... An ever repeating scenario!

The good news is that ex-TC 'Giovanna' seems to have disappeared completely and her associate ex-TS 'Hilary' is a relatively small depression just E of Mauritius at midnight. So there might still be an area of heavy rain on Friday, as I get to just W of where the remnant might have travelled to, but even that might not happen... who knows?

1120 GMT/3.20pm LT: Just finished fuel transfer from jerrycans into main tank. Spent a time chasing what I thought was a 12V wiring or plug problem - but, having followed through with multimeter, clearly cable/12V plug/switch/pump were all fine electrically. Pump seems to work erratically , almost as though there's a cut-out of some kind... Left it to start a weatherfax download (which never came through) and then heard a high whining noise - the pump had suddenly decided to work of its own accord - good news but frustrating...!! So now have approx 160l of fuel in tank - plenty (@ 40l/week of remaining passage) for genset use overnight when needed - such as when transmit on radio a lot, trying to connect. Daytime, when sun is shining, we're often putting in 8-16A from solar panels plus input from windgen - which can go up to 20A or more, if strong wind.... so genset rarely used then.

1700 GMT/6pm LT What a lovely day this has been! Lovely sailing, lovely sunshine, many different birds around over the day. All very relaxing... I've changed course to 070T, heading towards 40S, 060E. Making good speed closehauled in 13 knots of wind. (See website 'Travels' page for link to chart of my daily positions on passage.) I'll see if I can post this early, when radio propagation is marginally better than later this evening.

24 hr DMG to midday (GMT): Just 99 n.ml. - due to 12 hrs of little wind overnight, when speed dropped to 2-3 knots at times.

Day Fourteen from Cape Town to Hobart - pleasant sailing in calmer seas and frequent sunshine

Monday 20th February 2012

1530GMT/6.30pm LT .... Just gone sunset ... a red glowing ball - which I kept an eye on as I was busy tidying up the lines in the cockpit while a pair of White-chins and a Yellow-nose circled around. Seas nothing like as calm now as I'd hoped (around 3m) - probably due to a nasty, deep Low to the SW, with its Front expected to pass over us on Friday - hopefully without the dramatic backing of the wind that so many cold fronts give.

Wind is now slowly dying, as expected overnight. Pressure is up to 1023 and the wind, presently still SW at 9 knots, will start veering to the NW at some point tonight - one reason that got me tidying up in the cockpit, since then we'll have to gybe onto port tack and it will be nice not to have to deal with a 'tangle of worms' in the dark! I furled in the staysail and released the running backstay, also partly with overnight gybing in mind, and unfurled the rest of the genoa in its place - should help our speed a bit.

Spent a lot of time today trying to get radio connections for weather info & emails. Needed the generator to boost the batteries after a prolonged session without success. Some contacts made but not good enough, although I did post my position report - sending is so often a lot faster than receiving . Finally Sailmail connected, but still with difficulty and several attempts were needed before I finally got the grib weather files I particularly wanted, to see what's forecast for TS Giovanna, the High just N of me and the Low to the SW that's likely to give gale force winds... I'm also downloading weatherfaxes regularly to see the current situation (actually with a 4-5 hrs delay, but that's near enough).

Downloading another fax now - my daily routine seems to revolve around getting weather info via faxes, emails and once- or twice-daily contact with the S.African Maritime Mobile Net (S.A.M.M. Net) on 14316 kHz at 0630Z/1130Z. Graham, ZS2ABK, keeps me updated with weather forecasts for my position from the S.A. Weather Service and, in return, gives them my weather info - useful for them to compare with their forecasts. So I've several sources of info - useful should one go down.

It's feeling definitely cooler now - air and water temperatures have dropped a lot - sea is now 14C (from 24C on Friday), making the boat feel cold, and air is around 21C maximum - so I'm into fleece layers now!

Time for a hot meal - nice to have one all ready waiting... and then a nice crunchy apple!

DMG: 143 n.ml.
Present position: 41 38'S, 052 14'E

Day Thirteen from Cape Town to Hobart

Sunday 19th February 2012

A pleasant day, with a mix of heavy grey clouds everywhere and some sunshine in between times, with just the occasional squall to give a bit of excitement as winds suddenly increase and shift under a particularly big cloud.

Now having Sunday afternoon tea while I relax over Spider Solitaire (in much calmer conditions than this time yesterday, although still some big waves) - as I try to get a connection with a shore radio station somewhere for emails & grib weather files. The good news is that I'm regularly getting weatherfaxes from Cape Naval - they've been off-air for well over a year .... the 'new' S.Africa....

An ongoing concern is TS/TD Giovanna coming down this way (didn't dissipate but clearly found some warm sea to feed on) - but should be well ahead of me if she does - with mainly heavy rain + 40 kt winds ahead of the centre, not behind it where I am.... (I hope!)

1540GMT/6.40pm LT (local time where I am) - Sunset ... a low line of pink in the W under the grey clouds that are covering the sky, with some showers nearby. A good flock of White-chinned petrels (15-20 at least) are wheeling about us, together with the pair of Yellow-nosed albatross they often seem to keep company with. The albatross have such long wing-spans by comparison with their body length, unlike the petrels. The birds are often particularly active near the boat around sunset and also soon after sunrise.

I'm downloading a weatherfax while I watch them - it shows exactly where 'Giovanna' is - not so very far away - and I'm keeping an eye out for any possible problem. Forecast day for any 'close encounter' is next Thursday, 23rd Feb but with any luck she'll dissipate .... In the meantime, we're heading ESE but gradually slowing down as the pressure rises and the High comes our way with dying winds - likely to be becalmed in a day's time! But if seas are really calm soon, I'll be able to get the outstanding boat jobs seen to before the good NW winds which will follow behind.

Today's daily weather report (as posted to Winlink and Yotreps):
TIME: 2012/02/19 12:00
LATITUDE: 40-59.93S LONGITUDE: 048-45.59E
CLOUDS: 85% BARO: 1016 TREND: 0
COMMENT: Hove-to y'day for 12hrs from 11:30am.Seas less now .DMG:99 n.ml.

Day Twelve from Cape Town to Hobart - not my best of days, with wind 35-40+knots...

Saturday 18th February

A day to remember - but not for the best of reasons!

The wind and seas have both been well up - winds consistently 30-35kt overnight and then 35-40 all morning, with seas up accordingly - so yesterday's 4-5m seas became today's 6-7m (or more) with occasional small sections of white breaking crests - impressive from a distance but not good when caught by them - as we were several times. With the strong F8-9 wind, it all became too much (never mid the good speed we were making!) and got to feeling downright dangerous when, instead of maintaining our downwind course with the waves approaching our stern, we kept being taken by an oncoming wave and being turned violently upwind into it, to climb up its face, heeling a lot, sometimes getting knocked sideways by the crest with a bang.

I'd been debating whether to heave to or deploy the Jordan series drogue we carried ready - but after one particularly worrying incident that made me decide to act, I decided the quickest was to deploy the drogue which was all ready to go in its bag on the stern. We were heeling a lot from time to time and I had trouble getting the chain out of its bag - the lovely new 'galvanised' chain I'd bought in Ushuaia had turned totally rusty - but I got it out finally and sent it out, the rest of the drogue following, to stream off the bridle attached to the two strong points at the quarters. We settled down nicely and I watched the line streaming well in the big waves approaching, giving and taking up gently to keep our stern into the waves. No more rounding up into the waves, just a gentle lifting over them as they passed under us. I began to relax....

After seeing to a few small jobs, I decided it was time for a late breakfast,... I was just getting started when I heard a bang from the stern.... Once on deck, I found the drogue had disappeared... a remnant of one bridle line was to be seen, along with most of the floating (polypropylene) retrieval line attached to a stern cleat. The spectra line had obviously seen too much sunlight and must have degraded as a result... I cursed my stupidity in not replacing the two bridle lines when I'd had the chance (the thought had crossed my mind several times but each time I'd been busy with other things) .. too late now - what to do?

We were basically lying ahull in the seas and not doing too badly in fact,while the seas were being kind, but I needed to get us pointing up more into the wind and seas to be safer. Having downed the mains'l to lie to the series drogue, I now had the problem of raising the sail in the strong conditions.. not so easy, and definitely not helped by the sail, and also the halyard, getting caught behind the mast steps (I'd forgotten to tighten the string tied between them to prevent that happening) ...Up with the halyard and then down with it, trying to time things with the swell... as fast as I released one, the other got caught quite badly. I even climbed a short distance up the mast to release the sail at one point.... an interesting experience in the big swell! In the end, having retrieved two dangling lines from the water first, I started the motor to point us more upwind - that made matters so much easier, with everything coming free, & the sail was soon raised. Then it was a matter of easing the sheet and slowly bringing it in, having first fixed the wheel halfway to windward. We lay nicely hove-to in the end and I was finally able to get below to change out of my wet things - I was sopping wet from hair (forgot my hat!) to shoes (they'd got well filled as we heeled when sorting out the drogue). I had a lovely nap for an hour before finally getting some very late food.

When I spoke to Graham, ZS2ABK, on the S.A.M.M. Net a short while later, he commented that the Giovanna TS had been downgraded further and looked as though both it and the other one, were unlikely to pose me a problem next week - good news!

Pressure has been rising fast over the last few hours and I've been watching the wind die down to around 20 knots also... As soon as the seas had calmed down to something reasonable, I got us sailing again. We're now heading ESE while we can, before that High fills in completely over us and our speed drops right down - maybe for two days or more.... Sky has cleared, bright stars everywhere ... Nice to be sailing pleasantly once more!

DMG: 140 n.ml. (we were averaging 7knots for quite a time, before heaving to!)
Present position: 41S, 047E

Day Eleven from Cape Town to Hobart - better conditions forecast - but it's rough tonight!

Friday 17th February 2012

The day started quite pleasantly, with around 20 knots of NW wind, the sun a red globe under grey clouds on the horizon and clear sky overhead. But at midday, after several squalls earlier, due to passing clouds nearby, a good 40 knot 'blow' came through with heavy rain under a massive grey cloud... In between squalls, the sun got out and it was quite pleasant.... birds were all around - the usual group, including the enormous solitary Royal albatross, with white splashes on its dark upper wings and white body and head.

The cold front passed by this afternoon almost exactly at 4 o'clock- dropped in for tea, as you might say! It was heralded by 32kt winds and rain and followed by drizzle but the sudden windshift from WNW to WSW was almost painless. We deliberately had very little canvas out, making fair speed despite that, and I gybed us onto starboard tack quite easily. I also decided to change course quite a lot, in view of the forecast winds being less than was thought a day or so ago - so, hopefully, that means the swell will also be down on that predicted - 6-10m ... The waves are quite well apart (8-10sec), which makes life easier, but we are still in rough seas just now, so holding on tightly is essential when not in my bunk. (It's actually blowing 36 knots as I write this, so I'm not convinced about the lesser wind predictions!) High pressure is still forecast for this area next week, so I'll be heading ESE from now, when conditions permit, hoping to avoid being headed or becalmed...

A new concern appeared today... It seems that the cyclone 'Giovanna', which has been downgraded to a Tropical Storm, after wreaking havoc in the N of Madagascar, is still going strong - and likely to head our way by next week, as is a second one. Both expected to head SE, crossing ahead of our path but not that far away... Hopefully, they'll dissipate rather than keeping going or strengthening. A worrying factor is the sea temperature here - it's up to 24C just now - way warmer than I'd expect - and cyclones feed on warm water...

Not much by way of progress on boatjobs in these rough conditions, although I did try out all three small pumps last night - and every one of them worked! No fuel transfer is possible just now, but it's not urgent either. I ran the genset for under an hour yesterday and for half an hour just now. The wind generator is putting in lots of electrons, most of the time, as are the solar panels during the day.

Time for some hot food, I think. It gets quite cool of an evening!

DMG today: 117 n.ml.

Day 10 from Cape Town to Hobart- nice sailing in fair-sized swell...

Last night was beautifully clear and starry again with the expected band of cloud not coming over - 'Milky Way' strewn across the sky, Orion doing his usual headstand & two very bright stars above the W horizon at sunset - must surely be planets? ... Venus..? and Saturn..? Seem yellow, rather than orange or white. Venus is usually so very white. Info welcomed if anyone wants to email me!

Have been thinking and preparing a lot for expected bad weather coming up - Friday night into Saturday, strong winds, backing to SW-WSW at 30-35, gusting 40kt, as an 'active' cold front on a deep depression passes us during Friday. Bad swell coming along to add in to the same strong winds over Saturday... Decided to take down the pole and change course more to the NE for a time, to try to avoid the worst of the swell. Problem then is the following High, which I don't want to get caught in, by ending up too far N - so will have to dive S a.s.a.p., once worst of winds/swell have passed by. Somehow think we'll get caught by light winds of the High whatever I do...

Thoughts of big seas and strong winds definitely concentrate the mind on clearing up - in the galley, especially. I cooked the last aubergine and courgettes, along with fresh onion, garlic and potatoes - even found a tin of red peppers to add in to tinned tomatoes to make more ratatouille, ready for another 'stew' with ham added, thinking ahead to Fri night & Sat... With more additions, should last several days.

Oops...! Sensed the boat beginning to heel more... into foulies, hat, headlamp, ... up on deck, in the dark night... A big cloud passing over and giving very-much increasing wind... Furl in some genoa.. get wetted by spray and fine rain... As things calm down, a short while later, I see plenty of stars around - but not overhead nor ahead...a dark mass there! Speed is down rather, with reduced canvas, but - it's night, so I'll leave the genoa as is, for the time being... We're still making around 5 kt, that's fine.

Been busy today catching up with emails, making up a new logbook and experimenting with frequencies/times for radio email contact - or the lack of it! WL2K contact is difficult here, with no on-air S.African stations and I failed to make any connection after sunset tonight. Good to have Sailmail as well - their African station is fairly reliable,with a good range of available frequencies, so I'm getting daily weather grib files to add in to the occasional weatherfaxes from Cape Naval S.A. Weather Service and weather info from my daily contact with S.A.M.M. Net.

Time to eat and get a nap... 2025 GMT is 11.25 p.m. local time - we've moved over into the next Time Zone! All very confusing for the body clock!

DMG today: 133 n.ml. (always to 1200 GMT)

Days 8/9 from Cape Town to Hobart - pole in....pole out,.. some elec work.... ro

Tuesday 14th February

Overnight was beautifully clear and starry with the Southern Cross high above..so dawn was lovely also, and I tried radio contact, having had good success wih WL2K at sunset y'day.. but no joy at all. The depth display is still playing up on so that's still on the joblist, along with a stanchion base furling line lead which I found bits of on deck soon after dawn.

Wind died down completely by noon - to 6knots, so our speed dropped also - for a time we were only making around 2knots. But the pleasant, calmer conditions gave me a chance to get on with jobs... tied down the gas bottle more securely; re-ran the third reef line through the sail cringle and marked the end clearly - a useful job to have done; updated my new radio logbook with useful info from the old one.

Our daily run to midday was quite reasonable, at 137 n.ml.

I decided to fill the main tank from the jerrycans while the weather was good - all started out fine, with my pride and joy of a strong new portable fuel pump and hoses working well - but not for long.... Suddenly, it stopped working... Drat!!

Out with the multimeter to check on connections ... I found the 12V cigar plug was really hot and assumed the fuse inside had blown -but couldn't get inside to change it - the plug is very old anyway, so I decided to change it. Out with the stripper & crimpers & shrink connectors... search for a replacement plug... eventually cut one off something else ... Pump still not working... grrr! Find my other pumps to test them - none of them working either...how come?... Test all possible items for continuity or 12v supply with multimeter... By now feeling very frustrated.. Checked 12V outlets for power - most OK, but not all... Started organising possible power supply to pumps using alligator clips (to buss bar) in place of cigar plug. Got out manual siphon-pump...(!) Decided to leave it all, get some food and sleep and have another go tomorrow - maybe things will be better!

By then, it had turned dull and cold, the wind had veered more to the north and increased & pressure had dropped - another cold front was approaching... but at least boat speed was up. The genoa pole had to come down, after sailing by the lee for a time, and we finally gybed onto port tack in a N-NNE wind and unfurled the stays'l for a beam reach.

Overnight, a SHIP came close by - Chinese, I presumed, from its name: '83 Chung Yong'... heading SE for 'fishing grounds' . Unusual to see other ships within 200 mls!

Wednesday 15th February

4 a.m. First light in the E, clear sky, ...nearing dawn. Wind had backed to just S of W but was still up, pressure down a lot more.... Gybed the main but left the genoa goosewinged, since it seemed happy like that, and furled in stays'l.
7 a.m. Bright clear sky with thin band of cloud low in the SW. Rising wind - time to pole out genoa again... Cloud came over fast, with heavy rain, as I organised pole... but boat speed much better afterwards, in good wind rising to 20-25kt .... and the rain didn't last too long, with clearing skies following, as pressure began to rise behind the cold front.
Midday ... Action stations!! Frantic winching to furl the genoa hurriedly - clouds ... wind over 30knots... and seas well up, tossing us around.... !! We made good speed! Half an hour later, it was a bit calmer, but wind was still around 26-28kt, sometimes dropping, with clear sky overhead, but another band of cloud lurking in the distance...
The pattern continued well into the afternoon - mix of warm blue skies and of grey clouds all over - but strong wind and big seas whatever the sky... but eventually, not long before sunset, the sky cleared and the wind died to around 15 kt - but there's a band of low cloud-cover on the SW horizon, so I might not see the stars tonight...

DMG over noon-to-noon today was 106 n.ml. - down, not surprisingly, on y'day.

It's been too rough for jobs I'd hoped to do today - manana, maybe!

Day Seven from Cape Town to Hobart - fixed genset problem!!

Monday 13th February 2012 - A good day!!

With winds down to around 20kt, instead of regularly well over 30kt, and despite seas not being much less than before, at 5-6m, but feeling gentler, I had a chance to work on the genset which has been starting up OK but not putting out any power.

Following instructions I got over yesterday's morning Ham Net (S.African Maritime Mobile Net), as I thought,....I carefully took out &replaced all the wrong terminals (- on the genset connector block, not at the separate VCS unit!!) and also managed a short circuit when a live spade terminal touched the metal of the block... but I then looked for & found the 15A blade fuse that had blown and replaced it (I've plenty of spare fuses!).... At least we were back to square one and I hadn't ruined things!.... Still no power output, so I checked out fuel pump relay - looked fine... and then I looked at the actuator spindle of the genset - which turned out to be the faulty item. It was stiff and stuck in its extreme position - I had to use pliers to start it turning and then eased it some more to be sure it was OK .. .. so the genset is now WORKING!!!! Yippee!! (Takes so much less fuel than the main engine to charge the batteries...)

I celebrated with a big glass of Wilde guava juice (courtesy Pick and Pay in Cape Town - thanks, Mark ) and a chocolate, while I perched in the companionway in the warm sunshine, enjoying the birds and watching the big seas coming our way.

Was on radio to SAMM Net again soon after - reception was really noisy & I couldn't hear properly, so I tried switching off the plotter - which also turns off the instruments but not the autopilot & GPS - the noise virtually disappeared, which was great (since we were still able to keep going on AP in 'Auto' mode). I switched everything back on again later to find no Depth display.... grrr! But a short while later, I found it had come on again ... seems like maybe a bad connection? ... something to put on the joblist for tomorrow.

Another success today was making contact on 20m with a Winlink station (Eisenstadt in Germany) just after sunset - as suggested by Lor, W3QA, when I commented on the lack of Winlink stations on air just now in Africa - or anywhere near where we are... "... at sunset or sunrise +/- a half hour you might be able to connect with one of the European stations along the 'grayline' (solar terminator) at the right frequency..." It worked!

It's been a very pleasant day, even without the genset success, with mainly sunny skies and wind at mostly 15-20 kt, giving good boatspeed with full, poled-out genoa. There's been a variety of birds from mid-morning on to sunset, including a few prions and a Royal and a Yellow-nosed albatross and the usual large, dark petrels (White-chinned). 3 small, Black-bellied Storm Petrels have been fluttering nearby, long thin black legs often in the water as they foraged for food. (Mainly dark with white rump on top, white belly & white centre to underwings.) And there have been a couple of Soft-plumaged Petrels swooping around as well - my birdbook is constantly to hand these days!

DMG to noon was 140 n.ml. - better than I expected and conditions should continue to be reasonable for another day or more.

Monday 1840 GMT position (see 'Travels' page for map) is 40d07'S, 034d07'E

Day Six from Cape Town to Hobart - 175 mls in strong wind and big seas

Sunday 12th February 2012

We've been broad-reaching or running, with small poled-out genoa and reefed mains'l, before mainly WSW winds of around 30kt throughout the day, wind occasionally dropping to mid-20s, with consistent, impressively big seas of 5-6m tossing us about regularly. Hold on there...!! (As I write, near 10pm LT, wind is back up to 36kt - possibly under a raincloud...) The sun has often been out between broken cloud, with some occasional rainclouds washing us down in pleasant temperature of 24C for both air and sea.

Speed over the ground (SOG) has often been around 9 knots - clearly a favourable current has been helping us along, since boatspeed has been generally 7-8 knots.

Sighting a Royal Albatross is always memorable - one was soaring nearby around sunset, as were several white-chinned petrels - who were heard to twitter excitedly to each other in a sociable group resting on the water earlier in the day. A white-rumped, dark storm petrel swooped low over the disturbed water astern of us.

My evening reading has been studying the Fischer-Panda generator manual to check on the position of the VCS (Voltage Control System) unit, whose contacts are to be removed, cleaned and replaced, and finding where the actuator spindle was that I'm supposed to ensure is turning freely - as and when the seas calm down enough to make removal of the genset cover to access the said items feasible. Late Monday or Tuesday, maybe? Wind and sun have today kept voltage up well during the day, but I'm constantly checking the reading and getting concerned when it drops - especially overnight. (Around midday, solar power has often been putting in over 16A and the windgen easily gets to 20A, but will suddenly cut out for a time when it overheats in the strong wind - and then we discharge just over 2A)

The latest Low pressure system has now clearly passed by - air pressure has risen from 999 over most of the dasy, to 1003 hPa. Outlook is for seas and wind to calm down a little over the next two or so days, so I'm hoping I'll be able look at the generator. Maybe it simply has a dirty contact which is causing the problem?

Time for some sleep before downloading a weatherfax just after midnight...

'Bye for now.... from the lumpy, wind-tossed Southern Ocean at 40S, 32E.

Day Five from Cape Town to Hobart - stormy again, by afternoon...

Saturday 11th February 2012

As expected, the wind picked up over midnight to above 30kt, so I got rid of the genoa, leaving just stays'l and fully-reefed mains'l ... plenty for the strong, rainy conditions - pressure dropped to 996 hPa
2am: Clear sky after rain.. felt calmer in around 20kt... Found that the newly-installed regulator seemed not to be allowing the windgen to work after it cut out in high wind... so eventually, I bypassed it to get input from the windgen - now doing fine... except when winds get into mid-30s and above when it cuts out temporarily
3.30am: Wind backed from NNW to W 22kt ... back onto starboard tack, beam reaching, stays'l replaced by genoa.
8am: Pressure still dropping... sailing SE in rain, windgen keeping batts charged...just! Had much-needed good sleep for couple of hours...
10.15am Dolphins paid a visit while I was busy organising the lines for poling out genoa...which took ages ... & then not needed since by midday, with pressure down to 991 (Low centre just 200 ml away to S), the wind backed from WNW to WSW and was building again...so the genoa was taken over, off the pole, for a beam reach.
1.30pm Gave posn and weather info to SAMM Net - who passed on message from Mike Elliott re genset... "Remove, clean and replace all electrical connections at genset" Easier said than done in present swell conditions...!! (Wind up to 30kt again) .... It will have to wait!
6pm WSW8 ..winds up more ..Low moved East & pressure rising now ...(994) " low battery" alarm - engine on in neutral to charge... slept well again for 2-3 hrs.. Big swell - 6m or so... but sunny...Changed course to due E, to run before seas and wind...
6.30pm 'CQ Contest' on 7120 kHz over the weekend ... Made contact with transmitter located 200 km from Cape Town.. chatted to ZS1RAP...on highest peak in Western Cape province.
STORMY STILL... since when it got dark at 7.50pm...SW7-8...CLEAR SKY soon after dark but big seas & wind still and boat continuing to be tossed about..
Later, in rainsquall near midnight, gusted up to 40kt again... pressure up to 1000 hPa now.
Turned on windgen -coping OK & putting in plenty of electrons...
Had problem all day making radio contact for email and weather info - finally used satphone for weather file... Heading East looks good just now and we'll continue to stay around 40S but no further S for next few days - gets worse if head further S but lighter winds if head too far north of 40S. The Raymarine autopilot, with its upgraded course computer, has been coping reliably and well with the bad conditions over the last few days.
Enjoyed my ratatouille stew this evening, with addition of more potatoes and baby sweetcorn... Must get some sleep..... zzzzz.... My bunk is a good, safe, warm, cosy place to be right now (it's late .... 3:20am)!

Day Four from Cape Town to Hobart - fickle wind, plenty of birds, wind generator working properly

Friday 10th Feb 2012

I sat up for quite a long time last night, watching how we were doing in the strong winds, heavy rain and increasing swell behind the strong cold front that had arrived so very suddenly. We were speeding along at around 7knots, on a comfortable broad reach, heading ENE instead of ESE - but so what? - at least it was East-ish! The swell was spaced apart well enough not to cause any problem - so I finally went below and actually had a good sleep until dawn at 0410 GMT (6.10am LT) when I was alerted by a 'low battery' alarm - bad news when the genset is playing up!

I hurriedly started the engine to charge the batteries which were far too low and, after charging for quite a time, realized that the wind generator wasn't turning as it should have been in the 27-30 knots of wind - it should have been spinning like mad, but was only turning very slowly. I went down to check the fuse. As I removed it, the generator started up and kept on spinning nicely when I replaced the fuse firmly... It was now putting lots of power into the batteries and with the clearing sunny skies giving solar power as well, we were putting in almost 20 A with everything in sight working - instruments, autopilot, radio, fridge and inverter - excellent! Cheered me up a lot, since I was beginning to get worried about our fuel situation if the engine had to be run very frequently just to keep up with our power consumption. (I haven't yet got any further in seeing why the genset is playing up)

Seas had become a good size by morning - easily 4-6 m - but were not breaking and, being on our quarter, were still posing no threat, just making life on board a bit of a balancing act at times...

The wind slowly veered from SW to W over the day, becoming highly variable under a cloudy sky - often very light in between clouds under which it gusted up considerably, giving us good speed for short time. Pressure dropped slowly all day - from the 1004 hPa of last night to 999 hPa tonight - and, at sunset, the wind backed the sails in shifting from SSW to NE and I had to gybe onto port tack. The sky was clear overhead but there was a dark grey mass of cloud astern. I think the wind shift was due to us being right by the centre of a second Low which is passing over now - pressure now is 997hPa and the wind is NNE 19kt & expected to increase, so I'll proably be furling in the genoa very soon or overnight. We're presently having a lovely sail, gently bouncing along SE - on port tack, so I've had to change to my starboard bunk!

It was good to see several Yellow-nosed albatross, as well as a Black-browed (which was seen yesterday), keeping company with us and several white-chinned petrels all day long, often landing in the water nearby when we weren't moving much in light winds.

Day Three from Cape Town to Hobart - "The Calm before the Storm" - then came the strong cold front..

Thurs 09 Feb 2012

Early morning brief heavy rain and overcast skies cleared away to give bright sunny morning, but for the rest of the day we've been among clouds and showers - but the air is warm and feels good to be out here! Bad news is that the wind slowly died, often to 6 kts, and became very variable with the clouds overhead, keeping me busy trimming the sails, and our speed often dropped right down. So that, together with the still-present Agulhas Current, means we've not gone very far today... Until tonight, that is, (10pm) when the wind has now picked up to around 20-22 knots, ahead of the Low coming this way.

I'm making contact each day with the S.African Maritime Mobile Net (S.A.M.M. Net), presently on 7120kHz at 0635Z &/or 1130Z (later, as I get further away, on 14316 kHz), giving my position and current weather conditions. I also download weather grib files daily - very useful info, which is usually pretty accurate - and getting weatherfaxes from Cape Naval - good that it's up and running again!

With nasty conditions forecast (v.big swell and strong winds due to the deep Low that will be passing by), I decided that today, being relatively calm, was the time to cook the ratatouille I'd not had time to prepare before leaving. It'll be nice to have that when things get rough, as they're expected to, by tomorrow. (Later: I added in some tinned ham - mmm ... tasty!!)

When I'd finished cooking, I checked the battery volltage (as I do constantly!) and saw that, with the overcast conditions and light wind, the solar and wind power input wasn't coping and the batteries were down too low - so I started the little diesel generator. It started up fine - but seemed to fail to develop any power and certainly was putting nothing into the batteries .... ***##@@$#&*. I had to charge using the main engine in neutral while I tried to see if there was anything simple I could do to rectify the situation - out with the manual and the multimeter ... With darkness falling, and the need to concentrate on sailing and preparing for the expected bad weather, I postponed taking off the genset cover to look for a blown fuse or loose wire, having not found anything obviously wrong elsewhere ... There should be a simple 10A blade fuse somewhere in the genset-to-battery and -to-inverter circuits, but I couldn't see one.... maybe soon, in calm conditions. Oh well, we might have to top up with the main engine all the way to Tasmania... No big deal, although I don't like running the engine too often when not under load.

Wind's getting up some more - I'd better go furl in some genoa - always fun in the dark...! At least it's not raining.. and the moon is shining from behind the clouds occasionally...

Midnight: TG I went up on deck when I did... and also decided that tying in the third reef might be a wise precaution as well as reducing the (full!) genoa by a lot...! The wind veered and was almost dead astern so I gybed the mains'l onto port tack and unfurled some stays'l, sheeting it to port... Was just dealing with the running backstay when the main tried to gybe (it was on a preventer, as usual) in a sudden increase of backed wind, accompanied soon after by heavy rain.

I hurriedly furled the genoa away completely and reduced the stays'l further, as we heeled several times in strong gusts ... excitement I could do without! We were headed almost downwind and making 6-8 knots in apparent winds of over 30kt - so clearly the wind was nearly 40knots at times - but the boat was coping well, as I sat for quite a time in the shelter of the (new) plastic screen under the awning. It's good to have clear sea-room at times like this - no problem with running off downwind when there are no ships and no obstructions around... Not sure if I can get any sleep though... Feel bound to keep an eye on the wind and sea-state, in case things deteriorate further....

Day Two from Cape Town to Hobart

Wednesday 08 Feb 2012

Not a lot to report today - Skies have been mainly sunny, with wind from SW and quite a big, short-spaced swell, also from SW, as we skirted around the Agulhas Bank ... An oppposing wind over the SW-flowing Agulhas Current can cause very nasty seas on the shallow Bank - which is why I'm not taking the more direct SE route but staying in the deep water off the continental shelf it lies on. But the Agulhas Current itself cannot be avoided totally and has been reducing our speed by well over a knot, often up to 2 knots, all day.

I've been catching up on sleep a lot, having frequent naps to make up for missed sleep due to the foggy conditions when I started overnight yesterday but I'm slowly getting myself and the boat back into 'sailing mode' - it's been many months since I made landfall from the Falklands in Cape Town last May.

The moon has got out from behind broken cloud and is lighting up the sea brightly - showing the swell that has been frequently knocking us about, often quite badly. We're heading East just now - simply to avoid the worst of the swell forecast to get much worse tomorrow and Friday when a deep Low passes by. When I get a weather update, I'll be able to judge how soon I can safely turn more S... There's high pressure not too far ahead, further S than usual at about 40S, so I need to be much further S than I am at present if I'm not to run out of wind or even be headed..

I'm posting my position daily, or to be more precise, Lor W3QA of the Winlink Development Team, is kindly posting it for me to the Winlink site (the link to the map showing my daily positions is on my website 'Travels' page) since I'm presently unable to make a Winlink radio connection, with both S.African stations being 'off-air' just now. My position as I write this is approx. 37S, 021E .

10.30pm local time - time for another nap! In two hours time, Cape Naval is possibly transmitting a weatherfax so I'll be up again, ready to receive that - IF it happens. It has been off-air for the last two years but someone recently told me it was back up again - we'll see... I've seen no sign of any shipping for most of the day, having now sailed well S of the E-W shipping lanes around South Africa but my AIS, in alarm mode, is keeping a 'listening watch' for ships within 25 miles or so..

Bye for now....

Day One from Cape Town to Hobart

A heavy, wet, overnight fog in Table Bay made for a damp, eye-straining departure in the dark, early hours of Tuesday morning. I`d been so convinced that the equipment replacement I needed to ensure an uneventful crossing to Tasmania and onward was not set to happen that I was caught unpepared for the Monday departure I`d originally wanted - so as to get away S, despite possible nasty swells on Friday, to avoid having to wait maybe nearly a fortnight for the next `weather window.

After a few midday runs around the inner harbour to calibrate the new equipment, followed by a couple of big farewell hugs from Robert, who has been so very helpful with sorting out the electronics on board since my arrival in S.Africa in May, liaising with a supportive Raymarine in England, I left to get the departure formalities dealt with. Brian kindly took me around in the Royal Cape Y.C. `buggie`(small truck!) to speed things along - first over to the Harbour Authority`s Port Control Tower, then on to Immigration and finally over to S.A.R.S. in town for Customs clearance and to get the essential Clearance Certificate, ready for my arrival in Australia near the end of March....

But then a hiccup in my plans occurred, when the Customs Officer told me that they needed to inspect the new ropes I`d bought, for which I was claiming a tax refund... I`d brought along some jerrycans for filling with diesel so we agreed that I`d go with Brian to do that on the way back to the Club where they`d meet me - to go on board `Nereida` before returning with me to the Customs office .... All that took a time and I ended up walking quite a distance back to the Club again, with Brian having finished work and no longer able to help. It would have been an enjoyable walk in bright sunshine had I not been urgent to get on with so many outstanding jobs on board if I was to be able to leave that night.... Weather predictions I`d been regularly checking on were consistently indicating that my weekend weather window would not last much longer so it was nice of Eileen to come around at short notice to help me with my final preparations and to say ``Goodbye`` - friends had been planning on seeing me on Tuesday evening, maybe even Wednesday.... but the weather waits for no-one!!

The weekend before had been a very enjoyable one at the Club, with a `Summer Fling Regatta` over three very hot, sunny days of racing. I would have joined the crew on board `Lobelia` but, regretfully, instead worked hard into the late evenings, getting `Nereida` seaworthy - the boat still needed a lot of work to tidy up, stow things securely and sort things out on deck, although I did join in some of the evening socialising - especially on the last day when `Lobelia` were delighted to find they`d won their class against some top-notch competition! An excellent end to my stay at the Royal Cape, seeing their happy faces - `bubbly` all round!

So here we are in the Southern Oean once more, aiming to round the shallow Agulhas Bank as soon as possible - about two days of heading SSE before being able to turn and head East. The fog persisted well into the day, but eventually cleared, away from land, to give bright, mostly clear skies - and I was delighted to find us in regular company with the familiar ocean birds again - several albatross and white-chinned petrels ... even a white-rumped storm petrel passed by. To cap it all, there was a lovely sunset, with a full moon rising simultanously in clear skies in the East.