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Back from Mexico - on board 'Nereida' at RVYC, Victoria, British Columbia - with lovely May sunshine!

It was an unexpected pleasure to be back in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle in Banderas Bay mid-April - some consolation for not arriving in the Marquesas a week later, as had been expected.  The sun was getting increasingly hot around midday and fans, occasionally even the air conditioning, were often switched on during the day in the pleasant casita in Vista Pelicanos that I was able to go back to.   I got to almost the last Sunday market of this 'season'.
It was lovely to get out sailing a couple of times - both times, as it happens, on catamarans - first, with Richard & Dona and lots more people on 'Profligate' and a week later with Kevin, George and Luce on the far smaller 'Feet' - which had an unusual steering system, although eventually a tiller extension arm was produced to make things easier...!
On my way north to B.C., I stopped overnight in Belvedere, San Francisco.  I was able visit friends Torill and Bob and spend an enjoyable evening at the San Francisco Y.C. - a good thing in view of problems had with my next day's flights - severe delays, mechanical problems and an aborted take-off (before the wheels left the ground, TG!) from San Jose airport, resulted in another night spent in the Bay area - to be ready for my Friday onward flights to Vancouver and finally on to Victoria - a day late but in time for a great evening renewing acquaintances at the Royal Victoria Y.C. - dinner and dancing in readiness for Saturday's excellent, albeit slightly wet, Opening Day celebrations - and a very pleasant sail with Gord & Maralyn on 'Kendra' in Cadboro Bay.
I was also made very welcome at the Canadian Forces S.A. in Esquimalt on Sunday - another Opening Day (sunny and dry, this time) and a highly enjoyable, long, relaxed sail with Bob and Leslie on 'Duet'.  Thanks to Commodore Randy and wife Dree for kindly taking me there - not so easy to get to from Cadboro Bay by bus!
It's been a week of real Spring weather, with flowers everywhere and all the large trees turning green.  I've been promised a ticket to Buchart Gardens - their display is magnificent just now, I'm told so I'm looking forward to seeing that!
Work on board will keep me busy for quite a time - clearing, cleaning, sorting, stowing, listing...... and that's down below!  Sails are still in winter storage at Leitch & McBride, including a new staysail - the old one has seen frequent hard use over the last few years.  Some deck hardware is waiting to have parts replaced - mainly rubber or plastic that has perished from UV exposure - and there'll be plenty more items to see to once I look around carefully.
I'd like to thank the staff and members of the Royal Victoria Y.C. for their continuing friendly support - very much appreciated!

Written by : Jeanne Socrates