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S/V Nereida sails around the world

Position Update Friday Morning

At 1500 Zulu (GMT)  0800 PDT

Lat – 48 deg 53 min N Long – 126 deg  47 W Course 106T at 6.5 kt

Winds estimated at NW 25 to 30 kt

ETA to Juan de Fuca -  0500 Z (2200 PDT)

Distance Juan de Fuca = 85 NM. Victoria = 144 NM.

Thanks to Rick Williams VE7TK, Victoria, BC  for the update

RTW Day 255: A Small Red Plane Circles Us and Takes Photos

Wednesday 3rd July 2013

HAPPY 4th of JULY to my US friends!

Gentle sailing overnight at 2.5 kt in WSW wind.  Light was still lingering on NE horizon at 230 am with a crescent moon low in the E and lots of stars overhead – the plough high up, no longer the southern cross as used to be the case.

Mid-morning a thin cloud layer spread across a lovely sunny blue sky which later became broken cloud.

1215 pm (1315 PDT)  A  red Canadian surveillance plane (#951) flew over and around.  I got quite excited and took a photo of it and waved at it.  Was sorry to find the VHF radio was switched off and when I switched on the radio a short while later I heard the plane speaking to a vessel not far away and called it.  I was told they’d taken photos and wanted to post them to my website so I gave them the email address.  Gathered that they had very promptly emailed them and they were equally promptly posted to the website – many thanks to Kim Pearce and Jak Mang for that.

It was quite warm over the day and a storm-petrel was keeping us constant company.  I decided to search for my various flags in the forepeak.  I could not find the code flags which I want to use for dressing the ship overall when I arrive to celebrate my circumnavigation.

Several ships have passed near – all showing up on AIS screen, with alarm beeping if any is set to come too close.  The AIS screen started showing the N end of Vancouver Island in the afternoon – landfall is imminent!

Ran the engine in neutral – to check it was okay, to charge the batteries, to give hot water and to heat the main cabin (a fan heater uses the engine cooling water).

9 pm   Pink sails in the sunset – a dramatic red glow in the west lit up the goose-winged sails.

950 pm  Called Tofino Coast Guard / Marine Traffic Control on HF radio and finally made contact.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 60n.mi. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 261n.mi. (103T); Victoria: 319n.mi.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

Aerial Photos from Day 255

Sail nereida (Small)Nereida (Small)

These photos were taken by a Canadian Government plane (Transport 951) about 275 NM from the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  Apparently they had a nice chat with Jeanne.  Thanks to Kim Pearce and the rest of the crew.

RTW Day 254: N. Pacific: Slow, slow, slow ... as pressure builds.

Tuesday 2nd July 2013

Sunrise before 6 am – clear blue sky above, boat making only 2 kt from midnight on, sea fairly calm.  Spaysail was unfurled for a time but as wind veered from S to SW it was furled away again and, by late morning, genoa was taken over to starboard, goose-winged.

Seal was playing around the stern thought it might be a dolphin until I saw it’s bewhiskered face looking at me as it poked it’s head up out of the water.  Storm-petrel seen – rapid wing beats, and slender wings – seen one several times over last week or so.

Some increased wind gave 4 kt near midday – a few white crests seen on sea surface – but hoped-for stronger wind didn’t materialize and wind soon disappointingly died back again to 5 kt or so.  Bright sunshine all day with just a few clouds and only slight swell.  Fred coped well, keeping us on course for the Strait despite our slow speed downwind.

There’s strong wind on the coast and inshore and the Strait is forecast to have 25 – 35 kt over Wednesday and Thursday but light winds are expected to continue out here – we need to be 200 n.mi. closer in to be able to make a decent speed.  Radio contacts continue to help keep my spirits up – the sunny summer weather is lovely but can’t compensate for our unbelievably slow progress.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 52n.mi. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 320n.mi. (102T); Victoria: 379n.mi.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 253: N. Pacific: Frustrating Morning of No Wind, But Finally Lay Course by Evening.

Monday 1st July 2013      CANADA DAY

11am   Finally gave up trying to sail, furled in flogging headsails and caught up on sleep instead ... Sea glassy smooth, drifting NW even when I managed to get the bow pointed E – SE.  Weather faxes are downloading – so tonight – tomorrow we may get useful NW wind to help us lay our course to the Strait entrance but wind likely to be light.

To say I’ve been constantly feeling frustrated is an understatement!  Seem to have been becalmed so frequently all the way up the Pacific as well as across the Indian Ocean ....

Had a brilliant fast finish last year to my previous circumnavigation – strong W wind gave a great sail along the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Victoria, arriving back there on 1st August 2012 after 251 sailing days.  I wonder if I’ll be so lucky this time around ....?

9pm   Last sunset colours lingering in NW below grey cloud layer.  Calm, slow, gentle sailing at 2.4 kt in S wind.  The good news from late afternoon, when I spent a lot of time at the helm in SSE wind of 5 kt, finding the settings needed, has been finally managing to lay our course to the Strait entrance.  Victoria is now 420 n.mi. away – if the forecast better wind arrive (NW to NNW at 10 – 15 kt), landfall might be on Friday, but until Wednesday, exact ETA is still in doubt. I’ll have had a final delay of 2 weeks due to recent unfavourable or light winds – UNBELIEVABLE!

Had two enjoyable extended radio chat sessions today – on 20m this afternoon, after an unusually short email session, and on 40m this evening.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 32n.mi. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 373n.mi. (101T); Victoria: 431n.mi.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 252: N. Pacific: Pleasant But Slow Sailing in Sunshine and Light Wind ....

Sunday 30th June 2013

Greetings to my Canadian friends ready for 1st July – HAPPY CANADA DAY!

Nearing sunrise at 430 am, oyster-pink-grey clouds ahead and in the NE. Boat was drifting NW in almost no wind so had to get us back on course in S – SSE winds.  Boat speed only 1.5 kt or less, so difficult to keep a good heading.  Overnight fog cleared away to leave a grey sky with showers in the distance, seas from SSE at 1.5 metres.  By 530 am sails were trimmed for beam reach and Fred was keeping us on course – 475 n.ml. to Victoria 415 n.ml. on course 096T to Strait entrance.  Breaks in clouds – moon seen above and blue streaks of sky ahead with hint of sunshine.

1pm   Lovely gentle sailing in bright sun and slight swells.  Wind light and swinging about, but has slowly backed, so now close-hauled again and no longer able to lay course to Juan de Fuca Strait – C’est la vie! ETA slipped yet again – but very enjoyable calm day. In middle of “A Voyage for Madmen” – fascinating read.  Amazing how unprepared or badly prepared so many of them were.  Makes me appreciate how good it’s been to have had regular emails and ham radio contacts on my way around.

This evening chopped up fresh onion sprouts and added to a Chinese meal of prawns with bean sprouts and bamboo shoots in black bean sauce. (Trying to use up cans of food on board – especially any rusty-looking ones!)  Still sailing gently in calm seas under blue sky – very pleasant though not getting very far at under 3.5 kt ENE, in light SSE wind.

Nice to have several sociable radio chats over the day.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 61n.mi. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 395n.mi. (097T); Victoria: 454n.mi.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 251: N. Pacific: Slow Progress E Having to Tack Against Light Headwinds

Saturday 29th June 2013

630 am    Wind slowly backed from ESE to NE by E overnight, so tacked around again from 010T to 170T – from almost N to almost S – no wonder we’re not getting far E!  Speed 3 kt, dull overcast slight drizzle.

Sun got out for a very short while early in the morning, but rest of day was grey misty and rainy – heater was on a lot, keeping cabin warm.

Put some black eye beans in to soak, really thick soup tomorrow – I’m enjoying regular hot cups of soup now in the rather cold conditions.

Weather faxes showing winds still from ahead today but possibly better in 2 – 3 days time, with slow progress in light variable wind in the meantime.

Course E by S (170T) maintained for a time with a speed of 3.6 kt.  By 2 pm, was able to tack onto E by N (073T) making 4.6 kt – better speed and course as wind veered from E by N to SE.

3pm    Usual radio sked with email team comprising Tom (in Texas) with Jim and Rick on NE US coast.  Good signals from Tom and combination of radio and Skype used for rest of team.

Conditions on board bumpy – close-hauled in 10 kt of wind – we’re healed over and pounding into choppy seas.  Speed of around 4.6 kt being maintained.

830 pm   Getting dark and fog seems to be closing in.  “Posleader” seen drifting just 3 miles to N.  Thought maybe it was fishing but it’s a cargo vessel.  Contacted them on VHF radio – they’ll keep an eye on us but we should manage to stay well clear.  After telling them we were a sailing boat with no engine they kindly came back to ask if any help was needed but I assured them all was well ....

1030 pm   About to get some sleep when noticed we’d changed course in veered wind – now making 085T which is closer to course needed for Juan de Fuca Strait and speed better at 4.9 kt, although later back down to about 4 kt.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 35n.mi.(Low due to several long tacks made in E wind. Actual distance covered was well over 76 n.mi.) Strait of Juan de Fuca: 423n.mi. (093T); Victoria: 511n.mi.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 250: N. Pacific: Slow Progress E as Wind Backs from Overnight SSE

Friday 28th June 2013

930 am   Breakfast in between radio sessions at 8 am (relaying yesterday’s blog report) and 10 am (sked with 2 – 3 other boats) – followed by download of several weather faxes from 10:30 until past midday.  Beginning “A Voyage for Mad Men” about first round the world single-handed race – “Golden Globe” in 1968.

Making just over 4 kt and slowly being set further north of planned course as light wind backs from SE to ESE.  Under 500 n.ml. to Juan de Fuca Strait but unable to lay the direct course.

Overcast sky is bright enough for solar panels to input 6 – 7A.  Seas are well down – smooth sailing – gently rocking.

1130 am   In present calm conditions have tackled an unpleasant job I’ve been avoiding – dealing with last of old (sprouting) onions. Brighter now – hint of sun through overcast.

1 pm   Finally finished with onions.  Course N by E speed 3.5 kt – time to change tack ...?

140 pm   NO!  Gybed around ... best we could do was SSW, speed 1.3 kt.  Gybed back onto starboard tack:  NE by E speed 4.2 kt – definitely better!

Gave cargo vessel “African Swan” a shock when on port tack – we were suddenly on collision course with 60 minutes to collision.  They’re headed W to Lanshan (China?).

Time for lunch – hot mug of soup followed by Danish Blue cheese on crackers while I look over weather faxes and read a bit.

245 pm   Course N by W (speed 2 kt)! Gybed again!  By 3 pm: Course S by E speed 2 kt.

6 pm   Had to tack yet again – was heading S by W at 3 kt ... now heading NE at 4 kt.  Damp, misty, drizzling as light fades slowly.

Weather faxes are giving SSE – SE over Saturday and Sunday (headwinds) and showing Low dissipated by Tuesday leaving variable light winds ... So several more difficult days ahead.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 101n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 487n.ml. (092T); Victoria: 545n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking


Thursday 27th June 2013

11 AM    Lovely to be sailing well at last!  We've made 4 – 5 kt, sometimes up to 6 kt.  Wind came up around 9 am, after we’d been drifting around all night, with head sails furled away.  Pressure up at 1005 hPa (997 hPa yesterday).  Bright overcast – solar panels putting in around 7A. Downloading weather faxes.  Heater on – feels nice and warm in the cabin (sea temperatures 14C).

Decided to look at “weather centre” – found corrosion on battery ends and negative terminals, so got busy cleaning to bright metal.  With new batteries, it’s now working fine.

930 pm   600 n.ml. from Victoria!  We've made excellent speed in continuing good SSE winds – 6 – 7 kt for several hours this afternoon in bright sunshine, which later gave way to rain.  Very close hauled now in slightly backed wind, so speed down to 5 kt – result of trying not to be set too far north of course to Juan de Fuca Strait.

Weather forecast is looking good for next 2 or 3 days, but possibility of difficult approach to the strait as we get closer.

10 pm   Wind seems to be dying .... speed under 4 kt.

11 pm   Unfurled all genoa – speed was under 3 kt.  Now making 4.5 kt in light SE wind, course 070T.  Clear starry skies, moon rising, layer of cloud on N horizon.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 45n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 580n.ml. (086T); Victoria: 639n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking


Wednesday 26th June 2013

Continuing to have to keep a constant eye on our COG (course) in very light wind.

Not much sleep overnight, very tiring, sitting at the chart table using autopilot just long enough  to turn the wheel occasionally to bring us back onto a SE course as we drift in SW wind of under 5 kt.  Sea surface is glassy smooth with slight ripples and a long SW swell.  Useful having boat’s track and current course (COG) showing on the chart plotter display.  With so little wind, there’s almost no steerage, so it’s taking a lot of time and effort to keep us on track – and all at well under 2 kt, often under 1 kt.

Plan has been to keep heading SE, both to stay in SW airflow below present centre of the Low that we’re in the middle of and also to be ready for expected S – SSE airflow – Low is forecast to move slightly W of us over the next few days.

Sun was beginning to get through clouds nicely mid-morning, but there was total light overcast by early afternoon, becoming grey clouds with light rain later.

3 pm saw the start of a lengthy radio email session, followed by several further contacts.

10 pm     Unbelievably found shackle-pin lying on side-deck.  Had just lowered pole prior to stowing it.  Soon discovered that the uphaul line attaching the mast car to the inboard end of the pole had come loose.  The shackle there had become undone and was presumably missing.  It was a bit of a struggle to stow the pole on the mast without the line there to pull it up but I finally managed it.  Took the headsails over to starboard with the change of wind direction, but the wind died and the sails were flapping, so finally had to furl in both headsails – we’re presently drifting W (backwards!) at 0.1 kt ....

We continued to drift overnight in no wind.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 26n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 625n.ml. (085T); Victoria: 684n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 247: N. Pacific: Blue Sky, but Very Little Wind

Tuesday 25th June 2013 – New time zone: GMT – 9 (Crossed 142:30 W Yesterday)

Wind slowly backed overnight:  NNE – N at 230 am, NNW by 9 am. We were making 2 kt SE but I had to raise the pole to port for the genoa by 945 am to go goose-winged.

Cloud gradually dispersed overhead – lovely sunshine and blue sky all afternoon but band of dark grey cloud on W horizon.  Calm sea with long, slow, 2.5m W swell coming from a deep Low a long way off.

Having to keep a constant eye on our course – pole has been up and down and genoa has been poled out on both sides and taken off the pole at various times over the day, as light to non-existent winds have swung around. Just managing to keep us headed E – SE, although a speed of only 1 kt makes it difficult.  Present Low is stationary over us and forecast to stay that way for next 3 – 4 days ..... GRRR!

Dug around in the forepeak and found last few packets of cereal and Brazil nuts – more than enough.

With so much time on deck, very little reading today but thoroughly enjoying “The Riddle in the Sands” when I get to it (Thanks Richard and Claire of ‘Phalarope’!)  Have sailed through Frisians en route from Heligoland to the Netherlands and reached Nordeney on my birthday to find their annual bierfest in full swing – Happy coincidence!

Midnight – cheerful contact with Taupo maritime radio in New Zealand.

I’m resigned to a July ETA. Much as I’d hoped to arrive before 1st July (Canada Day), realistically present weather is preventing that – unbelievably so!

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 61n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 647n.ml. (086T); Victoria: 706n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking


Monday 24th June 2013

Overnight speed of around 4 kt, in light WSW winds, dropped to under 2 kt in
even lighter winds by 7 am, soon to vanish as we drifted in a smooth sea
with long rounded swell and slight ripples on the smooth surface. Furled in
genoa with boatspeed of zero for several hours. Felt Neptune had decided to
keep me out here - in centre of Low and likely to remain so for 2 or more

Raincloud ahead close by seemed to give some wind at 5 pm - lowered and
stowed the pole and unfurled both headsails to starboard.  Two grey,
fork-tailed storm petrels circled us.  We made just 1.5 kt in a light NNE
wind - but at least it was in a straight line and the sun shone at times
from the blue patches among the cloud.  Slowly speed increased to over 3 kt,
occasionally nearly 4 kt, and we've made quite a good E - SE course.  Hoping
that will keep us in a fair N to W airflow and avoid being headed by E winds
for the time being.

Weather faxes still showing Low centred over us for next 2 days or more.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 63n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 700n.ml. (087T); Victoria: 758n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via
Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking


Sunday 23nd June 2013

I’d been debating heading SE to avoid headwinds by keeping just S of the center of a LOW threatening to descend onto our path ahead in 1-2 days’ time.  I kept hoping the next weather FAX would show that move to be unnecessary – but the situation keeps being confirmed.

In fact, to make matters worse, the longer-term forecast shows S to SE winds as I near the coast – so all the more reason to head further S now while I can, since SE winds would force me more N.  It should also be noted that a big part of the last leg to Victoria heads SE…  So I could end up energetically short-tacking all the way to the finish line!

At 2 AM, I was on deck to raise the pole and take the genoa over to starboard to go downwind goose-winged in SW winds.  Always takes a long time to organize everything and make sure all lines are lead correctly – well over an hour, in fact, from donning foulies and boots (it was raining) to coming back down.  Seas were down a little and sailing downwind always makes for seemingly calmer conditions, although we’re rolling a lot fairly often.  Speed went up from 3.5 kt to 4.5 kt once the genoa was held firmly on the pole.

A grey day again with SW-WSW F3-4 winds and speeds of 4-5 kt.

Another productive afternoon email session on 17m and a weather discussion on 20m – several concerned people have noticed the weather problems ahead, set to slow us down yet again – ETA slipping further.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 114n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 759n.ml. (088T); Victoria: 818n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Tom, N5TW, Georgetown, TX via Ham Radio for posting


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking


Saturday 22nd June 2013

Beautiful sunrise as NE horizon fills with colour below thin cloud layer from 3AM onwards.  Sat in cockpit enjoying it before getting to my bunk.

All changed by 8AM – Grey and rainy with winds up and veered to just E of S – furled in some genoa to reduce heel.  Later genoa furled in a lot more as wind and seas increased.  It became very uncomfortable – was thrown out chart table seat a second time as we pounded close-hauled into rough seas.

Speed was good over the day, at around 6.5 kt until dusk, around 7:30PM, when winds suddenly dropped.  By midnight, the wind was abaft the beam and we were making just 3.5 kt in a light SW wind.

Weather faxes show high pressure and light SSW wind ahead, with center of a low probably passing overhead on Monday with consequent cloking of light winds, so difficult conditions ahead!

Good email sessions with Tom, N5TW, on 17 meters early this afternoon – avoided “Field Day” pileups on 15 and 20 meters.  Just as well, since failed to make contact later, at usual time just after midnight.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 134n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 873n.ml. (086T); Victoria: 932n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Tom, N5TW, Georgetown, TX via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 243: N. Pacific: A Good Day Sail...Strait of Juan de Fuca under 1000 n.ml. away

Friday 21st June 2013

Wind slowly veered overnight and over the morning to become ESE and then SE by midday. This evening it is ESE and we are making 5.2kt on 080T. Speed reached 6kt late afternoon otherwise around 5-5.5kt over the rest of the day, in calm seas with wind chop.

2pm - Distance to Juan de Fuca under 1000 n.ml. but wind not yet allowing direct course to reach there. Good wind forecast for the next few days, but possible problem with wind direction after that.

Went to adjust main sheet traveller...over-rode line on winch big time-the line was bar-tight and immovable. Rolling hitch to the rescue!  Helped by marlin spike and sharp knife, took half an hour of effort but all ok eventually. Trimming head sails as well added half a kt to our speed.

Bright full moon in SE at sunset, rosy pink in the sky in the NW. Reading  "The Riddle In The Sand" - at long last!

Long radio session this evening with many good contacts on 20 meters.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 72n.ml., Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1006n.ml. (082T); Victoria: 1065n.ml

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Jim, WB2REM, Lawrenceville, NJ through audio link from Tom,
N5TW, Georgetown, TX via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 241-242: N. Pacific: Little or no Wind Wednesday Overnight and Thursday. Tiring and Frustrat

Wednesday and Thursday 19-20th June 2013

Wednesday – Good speed overnight but WNW 4 winds became W and increasingly light over the day.  Genoa was poled out to go goose-winged over the afternoon but speed was down to under 2 kt by 9PM in WSW wind.  Slight drizzle became fog overnight.

Thursday – Sky getting light by 3AM.  Constantly on deck overnight.  Took genoa off pole which was stowed away.  Gybed onto starboard tack in light S winds.  Later gybed again several times, trying to keep boat moving NE at only 1 kt.  Calm with overnight fog.  Wind became NE for a time before becoming SE around midday, later ENE.

Light winds likely for at least another day, making for more frustratingly slow progress.  Tonight we are making NNE at around 3 kt.

Radio communications have also been difficult if not impossible over the last two days (not helped by “Chinese radar” noise jamming frequencies) – hence this brief two day report.

Need to average just 5 kt to arrive 30th June despite light winds.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: Wednesday 124n.ml.
24hr DMG to 2300GMT: Thursday 40n.ml.

Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1066n.ml. (079T); Victoria: 1126n.ml.

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Tom, N5TW, Georgetown, TX via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 240: N. Pacific: Good Speed Maintained in W-WNW Wind. Generator Problem...

Tuesday 18th June 2013

Another completely overcast day with no sight of the sun, but no rain or fog and a good W wind in the morning veering to WNW by afternoon - wind just abaft the beam, boat speed around 6kt. Seas of 3m or more again - very noticeable since on the beam so they heel us over a lot on their approach - need to hold on carefully at all times when moving around in the cabin as well as on deck since motion is frequently quite sudden and violent. Wind lighter by midday, so full genoa unfurled but big seas continue.

Went to start the generator this morning, to charge battery - alternator would not activate...off with the cover... take size 14 spanner to release nut on activator spindle (had got stuck, as it often does)... finally started up ok. Checked oil while had cover off - ok.

Spent most of the morning downloading and studying weather faxes as usual, including one from Kodiak (Alaska) which I wanted to compare with one from Pt. Reyes for coverage since timing seems to be more convenient. Looks as if winds will be light NW-N over the next two days. A deep extensive Low to the W is dominating the N. Pacific weather now and for the next few days.

Emailing relay system via radio is working well - over 550 messages (in and out) so far! Tends to keep message length down although not everyone seems to appreciate the need for brevity!

Cold again - sea temperature is down to 12C so more hot soup and cabin heater on frequently.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 127n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1211n.ml. (073T); Victoria 1271;  San Francisco 1500n.ml
From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Jim, WB2REM, Lawrenceville, NJ with Skype audio assistance from Tom, N5TW, Georgetown, TX via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 239: N. Pacific: Low Passes by - Wind Down During the Morning

Monday 17th June 2013    Another Clock Change: GMT-10

2:30am   On deck in heavy rain and strong winds (SSE 5 - 20kt) to reduced genoa and furl away staysail in dark - boat making up to 8kt. Heeling a lot in big seas knocking us around. Even after reduced canvas, still making around 7kt.

6am Less wind and boat speed down, so unfurled some genoa. Daylight - new time zone: GMT -10hr.

8am    Seas big at 3-4m every 6 seconds. Rain stopped but fog not far off. Unfurled full genoa - wind dropped more and veered to S.
10am   Wind SSW 2-3 (5-8kt) - very light, boat speed down to 3.2kt. Downloading weatherfaxes. Gybed mainsail after lowering and stowing the pole. Seas still big and close together. Lost my O'Neill 'beanie' hat (a Santa Cruz memento) - was flicked off my head by the foot of the genoa while I was crouched in the bow, dealing with line, preparing to stow the pole.  Goose winged the genoa off the pole for a time.

11am   Boat speed down to under 3kt. Laysan albatross passing by. Rolling a lot in big seas. Several ships seen over the day all passing well off, heading E.

1pm   Fog finally lifted. Sun seen through break in grey clouds first and last time today. Genoa sheeted to starboard as wind veered to SW. Boat speed 3.5kt.
4pm   Wind WSW, speed 4.5kt. Fred put in charge. Boat feels cold so heater is on.

10pm   Boat speed 5-6 kt - has been slowly increasing as Low towards our W moves N. Read quite a lot this afternoon. Writing log report ready for radio sked soon as I wait for current weatherfaxes to finish downloading.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 155n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1328n.ml. (069T); Victoria 1388;  San Francisco 1586n.ml

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Jim, WB2REM, Lawrenceville, NJ via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 238: N. Pacific: Continued Excellent Speed in SSE Wind

Sunday 16th June 2013

Rain all night and for most of the day - grey and dull.  Good SSE wind has meant we have kept up an excellent speed of around 7.6 kt, often just over 8 kt, so daily run to midday was 158 miles - best for a long time!

Saw a Laysan albatross in the early morning rain as I checked on the wind direction (which was 170T).

Surprised to find NO Honolulu weather faxes transmitted this morning - eventually got some from Point Reyes (N of San Francisco, CA).  Winds looking good for next few days.

Switched on Eberspacher heater by mid-morning - was cold and damp, so nice to have cabin warm and to dry wet foulies.  Checked on diesel - still over 150 l left, so plenty for generator (battery charging) and heater use over last two weeks of passage.

Seas have been frequently quite rough and I got thrown over to port with a larger one catching us - unhurt, fortunately, but must take more care.

Needed to catch up on sleep this morning - had 2 hours up to 4 PM, before getting ready for Pacific Seafarers net, and another 1 hour later on.  Came off autopilot and put Fred in charge ready for evening radio skeds - less interference on radio when instruments and autopilot turned off, so easier to hear the less strong signals.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 158n.ml; Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1474n.ml (066T);  San Francisco: 1699n.ml; Victoria: 1534n.ml

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick WA1RKT, Londonderry, NH via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking

RTW Day 237: N. Pacific: Murky, Grey... Fog then Rain...Welcome to the "Pacific NW" !!

Saturday 15th of June 2013

Overnight fog lifted a little early on and sun tried to shine through weakly but then gave up. By afternoon, rain came in as I was raising the pole to go goose-winged. Had to use a long boat-hook to help release mast-fitting so pole end was free to move. A Black-footed albatross passed by and then a dark storm-petrel.

Managed to get two of seven uncooperative unused pens working today - still trying with the other five.

Looked again at weather faxes in detail and decided to change course to NE to try to stay a head of a cold front and in good wind. Two boats 200 and 300 miles to WNW and NW are motoring in no wind but we've got good S-SSE wind and are now at 11pm making 7.5-8kt. Our present winds are the result of a compression with a High to E and Low to the NW with a cold front trailing down to the S just to our W. I'm trying to stay in these winds for as long as possible, so we're on starboard tack again with genoa off the pole and back over to port.

If only the weather would play ball, so that conditions would allow me to keep up present speeds of around 6-7kt or more, I'd be finished easily before end of June. It's all a big unknown and only time will tell, but it would be nice to be safely tucked up in harbour before Canada Day on 1st of July.

24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 122n.ml. Strait of Juan de Fuca: 1625n.ml. (062T); Midway Island: 1089n.ml. (228T);  San Francisco 1820n.ml (084T)

From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Jim, WB2REM, Port St. Lucie, FL via Ham Radio for posting.


For my positions and track, see:
www.svnereida.com - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"
http://www.7163net.com Current Position Reported by Ham Radio with Google Earth Tracking