Saturday 29th June 2013
630 am Wind slowly backed from ESE to NE by E overnight, so tacked around again from 010T to 170T – from almost N to almost S – no wonder we’re not getting far E! Speed 3 kt, dull overcast slight drizzle.
Sun got out for a very short while early in the morning, but rest of day was grey misty and rainy – heater was on a lot, keeping cabin warm.
Put some black eye beans in to soak, really thick soup tomorrow – I’m enjoying regular hot cups of soup now in the rather cold conditions.
Weather faxes showing winds still from ahead today but possibly better in 2 – 3 days time, with slow progress in light variable wind in the meantime.
Course E by S (170T) maintained for a time with a speed of 3.6 kt. By 2 pm, was able to tack onto E by N (073T) making 4.6 kt – better speed and course as wind veered from E by N to SE.
3pm Usual radio sked with email team comprising Tom (in Texas) with Jim and Rick on NE US coast. Good signals from Tom and combination of radio and Skype used for rest of team.
Conditions on board bumpy – close-hauled in 10 kt of wind – we’re healed over and pounding into choppy seas. Speed of around 4.6 kt being maintained.
830 pm Getting dark and fog seems to be closing in. “Posleader” seen drifting just 3 miles to N. Thought maybe it was fishing but it’s a cargo vessel. Contacted them on VHF radio – they’ll keep an eye on us but we should manage to stay well clear. After telling them we were a sailing boat with no engine they kindly came back to ask if any help was needed but I assured them all was well ....
1030 pm About to get some sleep when noticed we’d changed course in veered wind – now making 085T which is closer to course needed for Juan de Fuca Strait and speed better at 4.9 kt, although later back down to about 4 kt.
24hr DMG to 2300GMT: 35n.mi.(Low due to several long tacks made in E wind. Actual distance covered was well over 76 n.mi.) Strait of Juan de Fuca: 423n.mi. (093T); Victoria: 511n.mi.
From: KC2IOV/MM by HF radio. Transcribed by Rick, VE7TK, Victoria, BC via Ham Radio for posting
For my positions and track, see: - 'Travels' - "Where is 'Nereida'?"