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S/V Nereida sails around the world

Thurs 5th April 2018 - Sailing back - preferably to somewhere in Mexico, rather

4pm Thursday - passing well S of Isla Socorro

We've had several handsome black and white red-footed boobies flying close by, both juvenile and adult, over the last few days - presumably from the Islas Revillagegido to our north. Isla Socorro is the largest and presently lies 150 ml N of us.

Motoring worked well to give a good course in the usual very light overnight wind, with genoa furled in and main centred. The bright moon of Wed night was lost behind broken thick clouds so it was often very dark. It's so much nicer when stars and moon are out!

As the wind shifted, our course was adjusted to keep some wind in the sail - we were mostly on port tack but occasionally on starboard tack and so managed to keep heading NNE-NE - towards Banderas Bay - but not making a very good speed. That was a definite improvement over the daytime yesterday when we were mostly headed to Acapulco or points south in a wind too strong to do anything but sail as close-hauled as possible in quite rough seas..

After sunrise today, the wind increased and backed, so the motor was cut and we got sailng nicely on course - close-hauled, as usual. It's been a lovely sunny day with frequent bird visits and fairly calm seas, with the usual 1.5m/4-5ft swell from the north.

Looking at today's weather files, the outlook is good, with the wind increasingly favouring a course to Banderas Bay. We'll repeat the overnight motoring when the wind drops as expected, and make more northing again. With little wind, it's not possible to go any faster under sail and we can point higher under motor.

With bright sunlight, batteries are being kept charged during the day and motoring overnight keeps them charged then, also.

We've enough fuel to alternate motoring overnight with sailing during the day, so getting back to Banderas Bay is looking like an increasingly possible outcome. We had been looking at Manzanillo and Acapulco as options for landfall - which needs to be at an official Mexican Port of Entry since we cleared out of the country on leaving.

Position: 16 23'N, 111 38'W, COG: 086T, SOG: 6.1kt, wind: NNE 8kt (See my website, www.svnereida.com, for tracking/position links.)

Wed 4th April

Mon/Tues/Wed 2/3/4 April 2018

Well, unfortunately the battery problem has not been resolved satisfactorily. The other four were checked Monday .. and one of them was found to lose charge far faster than it should - so two had to be taken out of circuit (they're 6V 'golf cart' batteries, so work in pairs to give the 12V power needed on board). That left only half the total battery bank available for use.

Sailing had become excellent by mid-afernoon, with a good consistent N-NNW wind giving good speed towards our waypoint of 10N,130W - a nice change from overnight and the morning's flukey light winds. The spinnaker (cruising chute) has been very useful & has been in use a lot in the light winds - far quieter than when using the main and genoa, which flapped noisily in light conditions due to the boat being knocked around by the 1.5m/4-5ft northerly swell.

But still the batteries were being problematic - even the half bank of seemingly good batteries collapsed dramatically once their charge got below a certain point, so the engine was needed to charge up overnight. During periods of bright sunlight, the solar panels keep the charge well up - but overcast conditions in the daytime are unhelpful and these were frequent over Mon/Tues... Wed has been better.

By Tues morning, the decision had to be made - continue on or turn back....? The batteries provide power to the autopilot, lights, radio & instruments, in addition to fridge and freezer (holding a lot of fresh food still). Fuel to run the engine for charging, or for use in calm conditions, was becoming a worry - looking at the distance still to run to Polynesia, it was getting low, even allowing for turning off fridge & freezer overnight. Hand-steering a lot would help the situation but the worry was the batteries deteriorating even more - already they did not seem to be holding charge for as long as when we started out.

If so much had not been invested in fresh food, I was inclined to turn off fridge and freezer & continue on, with plenty of hand-steering - by late morning the decision had been made to abort and return to deal with the battery problem where help could be found and replaement batteries were readily available.

The only remaining problem was the wind - Banderas Bay lies NE of our position and the winds are mainly from N-NNE - so returning will not be simple... but we're making for Mexico, for sure - would be nice to get further north if possible - and weather files are looking hopeful nearer land.

At present - mid-afternoon Wed - we're making good speed, close-hauled in 15kt winds.

Posn: 15 22'N, 114 45W - see website position links



Phasellus laoreet lorem vel dolor tempus vehicula. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat. Etiam habebis sem dicantur magna mollis euismod. Ab illo tempore, ab est sed immemorabili. Nihil hic munitissimus habendi senatus locus, nihil horum? Petierunt uti sibi concilium totius Galliae in diem certam indicere.

Cum ceteris in veneratione tui montes, nascetur mus. Salutantibus vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi, nihil timor populi, nihil! Paullum deliquit, ponderibus modulisque suis ratio utitur. Praeterea iter est quasdam res quas ex communi. A communi observantia non est recedendum.

Mike Underwood
President and COO
One Web Company
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Day 5/6 to Marquesas from Mexico (on 'Epiphany')

Saturday 31st March / Sunday 1st April 2018

Wind dies down at night so keeping cruising chute flying without it wrapping around the forestay, with its furled headsail, becomes problematic.... We ended up motoring in slow circles Friday night - and were lucky to get a bad wrap unfurled. Since then we've been really careful to avoid a repetition - the light winds over these last few days have made the spinnaker the best option.

Motored for 7 hrs in calm conditions after the Friday night wrap (boat speed had dropped to 1-2 kt!) - but soon realised that was not a realistic ongoing possiblility - too much fuel used. So last night, the light winds (always seems to be less than in daytime) kept the watch-keeper glued to the helm, adjusting our course as the fickle light wind moved around, to make sure of no further 'wraps'...

Batteries have not been holding charge as they ought to - meaning radio use has been severely curtailed. Today (Sunday), after discussing turning back (!), it was decided to explore the batteries - found two dud 6V batteries among the bank of four checked on ... They have now been taken out of circuit and we're hoping no more are found - the other bank of four will be checked later today, after seeing how things go with the six remaining batteries - if all looks good, no more testing will be needed (they're only just over one year old, I'm told). Fingers crossed we've beaten April Fool's Day....

It's 2100Z (Mexican time was 3pm but they just went into daylight saving overnight - so it's now 4pm in Banderas Bay)

Computer keeps playing up - the modem driver does NOT like Windows10!! I'm forever having to reboot the computer and re-start the radio to re-boot the modem in order to get a Winlink radio connection for weather info and weather-faxes. Time-wasting, power-consuming and frustrating!

We've just passed due S of Clarion Island, the furthest west of the Islas Revillagegido (try saying that in a hurry!). It's sunny, calm and peaceful - we're all now trying to catch up on a lot of lost sleep.

16 27'N, 114 47'W - see boat track using the positions posted to the link on www.svnereida.com (given on 'Home' page or 'Travels' page)

Day 4 to Marquesas from Mexico on 'Epiphany'

Good Friday: 30th March 2018 Happy Easter/Passover!

Wind was from well astern ('abaft the beam'!) overnight and speed dropped to 1.5-2 knots (engine was used to give better speed for a time). With frequent collapsing and filling of mainsail in 1.5m/4-5ft swell almost on the beam, it was noisy!

Fortunately, the wind later came up a touch so boatspeed got up to 3 kt or so - better!

This morning, the asymmetric spinnaker was raised and the main furled in (this boat has in-mast furling making that simple) - suddenly things got a lot more peaceful and smoother - the swell has died down a lot compared with our first 2-3 days, so that's helping.

As usual, the night was gorgeous in the calm conditions - full moonlight dancing on the waves and the Southern Cross in good view off to port, with Orion and Sirius ahead. There's a bright planet overhead - Saturn or Jupiter?? Venus is bright in the W just after sunset.

Battery power continues to be an ongoing problem - that's where 'Nereida' is set up so much better than 'Epiphany' for long passages: Hydrovane wind-steering (no battery power needed!), Superwind wind generator (giving power input overnight, when solar power input clearly isn't happening), no freezer, rare use of fridge (mostly a 'dry locker') and very rare use of mechanical/electronic autopilot (a big drain on battery power).

Skipper George is really regretting not having wind-steering on his boat! Just to keep up with present power needs, we're needing to run the engine twice a day for a good hour each time to charge the batteries. Radio use continues to be minimal - restricted to weather info and two evening Nets. None of my usual regular chats with ham radio friends in the mornings - I'm really missing that!

Having downloaded new weather files, it looks as though the present pleasant conditions will continue for several days... nice! The only slight worry is the chance of squalls - but, so far, no sign of any big clouds - long may that continue!

If you want to send an email, use the Contact page on my website - otherwise, you might need //WL2K as the subject line to overcome the Winlink 'spam filter' - there's no Facebook etc out here so (brief!) 'newsy' emails will be very welcome!

Day 3 to Marquesas on 'Epiphany'

Thursday 29 March 2018

Continuing to be a pleasant sail - still making a fair speed, despite winds having become lighter overnight and today, but the wind has also been slowly veering - it's more 'abaft the beam' now, making for a lot less speed than when it's further forward as it was yesterday.. Seas have lain down a lot also so, which has made for smoother sailing, to the delight of my crew mates.

Near midday, we spotted Isla Socorro well off to starboard - a low conical mountain in the distant haze. It's a popular dive spot, needing a permit to dive in its protected waters, normally three days away from the coast. We've made very good time to get here over half a day early.

One red-footed (?) booby came by earlier, but otherwise no life has been seen - maybe nearer Socorro there would be lots but we're passing a good twenty miles off.

I was told there's a 'ham' on the island just now (call: 4B4B?) but I couldn't raise him on 7150kHz overnight. I'll try again soon - I must have a good ground-wave to him at present! Major problem on board is power which is limiting my radio time badly.

'Epiphany' has neither wind-steering nor a wind generator and is running the autopilot constantly in addition to a freezer/cold box and a fridge so the solar panels are just about making up battery power by mid-afternoon but only so long as I hardly use the radio - downloading weather/grib files and sending once-daily position reports only!

7.30pm - sunset - wind has really died - 6-8 kt - we're ost on a run, just about making way at 2.5 kt!

Wed - Day 2 to Marquesas from Mexico

Wed 28th March 2018

Excellent wind since leaving Banderas Bay on way to Marquesas from Mexico - 'Epiphany is sailing at good speed - we're making 7kt or more SOG. Whales seen several times in the Bay as we sailed out yesterday moning.

Seas are well up at 2-3m so a bit rough but otherwise, all's well.

March update on recuperation from my fall and a plan to set sail to Polynesia from Mexico ...on friends' boat 'Epiphany'

I flew to Banderas Bay early in January, leaving "Nereida" in

Victoria, with the 'all clear' from the neural specialist on repair of

the cervical vertebrae in my neck (C2 broken, C1/C2 join damaged) - it

was great finally to be rid of my neck brace after well over three


Next problem was to get my neck rotating both sideways and up and down

- not an easy task, with it being so very stiff from being kept

stationary for so long.

I've been recuperating in the warmth of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle,

Nayarit, since then - helped by recent twice-weekly visits for

physiotherapy to Puerto Vallarta.

Neck movement is now much better, although regular exercising is still

needed to give more. My damaged rib cage area healed fine a while ago

- the operation I had there was definitely worthwhile for initial ease

of recovery!

Having been involved with both 'Women Who Sail' presentations and

'2018 Puddle Jump' seminars, my friends on 'Epiphany' asked me to join

them sailing over to the Marquesas. It didn't take me long to agree!

I've been missing being at sea, only having been out 2-3 times in the

Wednesday 'Beer Can' racing here in La Cruz in February.

So that's my main news - we hope to set sail early next week - well

before Easter causes a problem with clearing out of Mexico! I'm

looking forward to it - and it will give me a chance to check out

being on a boat at sea before I fly back to Victoria for summer in

British Columbia, back on board 'Nereida'.

I'll be posting daily position reports and news from 'Epiphany' as we

sail over - it should be fun!

28th October 2017 - another beautiful day in Victoria and a trip to the Inner Harbour to welcome the Canada C3 expedition ship 'Polar Prince'

Saturday 28th October

The weather has been amazingly good of late, with wonderful colourful foliage on the many trees nearby.  I've been managing to get out for several walks in the warm sunshine

 I left hospital two weeks ago to stay with friends here in Victoria - very many thanks to Roxy and Les for their kindness in caring for me.  I'm slowly recovering but still have a long way back to full mobility (neck brace is a nuisance!), although at least my spinal cord and all four limbs were undamaged - TG!

I was lucky to get to the Inner Harbour today to enjoy the celebrations on the final day of the Canada C3 expedition - the 'Polar Prince', an ex-Canadian Coastguard icebreaker, has taken 150 days from Toronto, traversing the three coasts of Canada (Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific), meeting people at stops along the way, carrying out scientific research and enabling a variety of people to join in the various legs of its journey - First Nations, youngsters, musicians, politicians and many others - all committed to bringing understanding and reconciliation to Canadians from all walks of life and backgrounds, as well as highlighting the coasts and oceans and related settlement and environmental issues.

After listening to speeches and music, Mike Webber, Chief Engineer, kindly gave me and a few others a tour of the ship which carries a total of up to 60 on board.  The engines are four 8-cylinder 1300hp giving electric power to the two prop-shafts - everything was impressively big!  The labs on board were used to investigate the daily samples of DNA and micro-plastic found in the oceans, among other research.   A well-presented protest against the fish farms was well received during the speeches - Atlantic salmon are being farmed in B.C. waters and causing major problems for the wild Pacific salmon which are decreasing in numbers as a result....

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6th October 2017 - a view of the Strait but from Oak Bay, not from Nereida

Friday 6th October .....  A beautiful sunrise over the Strait this morning - we should have been nearing the entrance to the Strait , making for the Pacific....  Oh well....  All change. ..!

Thurs 5th October 
We should have been starting off from Victoria's lovely Inner Harbour Causeway Dock today...... but that has all changed as of my accident a week ago. ...

View is out of my hospital window over Oak Bay and the Strait of Juan de Fuca towards Washington....  A lovely sunset... Good to see the water!
Thanks to Susan and Saylor for swinging my bed around so I could enjoy the view when they visited this evening 
I'm free of all tubes now and getting up and about a bit, as pain permits.  Every day is one less with this neck brace  - 3 months is a long time to have it on but at least my spinal nerve is intact so that's the excellent news.
Everything will heal given time...
Lovely to be blessed with so many friends around - thanks to all of you for the many good wishes sent my way..

Departure delayed for the foreseeable future.

I spoke with Jeanne tonight and she is sore and in pain although limbs and nerves are all intact   She took a fall from  the top of a ladder while coming down off her boat in the boatyard    She is currently in hospital while she begins to recover from her injuries.   She will provide more details as soon as she is up to it.  Please keep her in your thoughts.

Thank you,

27th September 2017 - departure date decided

Wednesday 27th Sept - Westport Marina, Tsehum Hbr, B.C.

Departure date has now been set for next Thursday 5th October.... weather permitting.
Fresh eggs were ordered for next Wednesday from Firbank Farm - 11 dozen again.  With daily turning, they should last four months, kept out of the fridge (which will be turned off most of the time).
My original plan to launch from the hard at Westport marina on Friday morning, ready for a Monday departure from Victoria, was clearly not feasible. There's still work needed over the next few days - so I postponed our  'splash' to Sunday afternoon, ready for some Monday morning rigging work. When that's complete, Paul of Leitch & McBride will bring a new staysail and repaired mainsail to the boat and then I'll  make for Victoria.

Yesterday, Maggie wet sanded the keel after spending time on the propellor, Robert finished the AP rewiring, I cut out and then filled a small crack in the filler outside the rudder bearing (not structural... 'cosmetic', I was assured) and started replacement of all zincs.  
In the afternoon, Geoff came over from Blackline to see to a few small rigging issues (more to do on inner forestay when back in water soon), I had a few visits from friends ...and Darren nearly finished polishing the hull - it's looking good!

For checking on final provisioning needs, it's helpful having the small digital scales brought over by Elaine for measuring small portions so I can multiply up for 8 months or so...
Today the propeller and propshaft were made ready for a Propspeed application - I love the shining bronze of the cleaned bare metal of the Autoprop before the eco-friendly  clear silicone coating is applied.  I also prepared the Hydrovane rudder for a Coppercoat  repair to some small bare patches.

Robert re-made some diesel pipework incorporating a new filter below the cabin heater tank, fixed in place a difficult zinc and soldered the control cable connection to the Icom SSB/HF radio - more good jobs completed.
I was sorry when Maggie headed for the ferry - it's been great to have her here, albeit briefly.
Tonight's work is to stow everything that was moved from the aft cabin over the last few days so work could be done there.
Hopefully, I'll get the cabins back to some semblance of order soon! 

Tuesday 19th September 2017

Flight from LHR to Seattle and finally on to Victoria.... after useful few days spent in Solent area and Southampton Boat Show getting boat stuff organised.

Many thanks to kindly BA staff for allowing the loading of Furlex parts in long (2.45m) cardboard tube to bring back to boat for replacing damaged foil parts on inner forestay. Was worried it might not have been allowed on flight but all went well at LHR.

Thanks to Derek Gilbert of Raymarine UK for enabling servicing (by Simon) of E120 plotter and liaising with Hy-Pro who sent replacement AP solenoid valves.

Thanks to David Grey of Jabsco for providing a replacement head toilet pump.

Thanks to Flash at Performance Rigging at Hamble Point for help with getting Furlex parts quickly.

Thanks to my friends Karen and Stuart of Commodore Yachting and Neil of Boatshed for looking after me.

Thanks to Dave Selby for his kind words and a signed copy of his amusingly-written 'Impractical Boat Owner' - I'm looking forward to reading it while at sea soon.

A long travelling day - started 9a.m.BST at Southampton Boat Show, on to Raymarine in Fareham to pick up plotter, then to LHR for 3:30 p.m. flight to Seatac..... Delayed flight on to Victoria due to cancelled 9.20p.m. Alaska flight - ETD now 11:15p.m. PDT, giving arrival in Victoria (YJJ) around midnight = 8 a.m. BST! Need to catch up on some sleep....

1st September 2017 Work on board continues!! Good progress being made....

Wednesday 30th August  - another lovely sunny day in Victoria.
I spent a short time ambling around the shops in the historic Hudson Bay Centre .... A highly interesting old 'multiple clock' hangs high up, referencing the Imperial era when it was built (see photos). 
One reason for my trip into town was to buy ‪a good electronic cleaner for corrosion...for mast top connections on wind transducer & other small connectors on board.... I'd finally located a source here in Victoria.  I also visited several recommended sources for a spare solenoid valve for my autopilot, without any luck.

Friday 1st September 
Amazing how difficult getting four screws through four holes into wood can be when a) access is limited so the drill won't fit available space b) it's very difficult to mark the positions of the holes correctly c) you don't have long enough screws... ( See photo of replacement battery switch now installed)  But many thanks to Peter of RVYC Foreshore office for generously giving me the screws I needed - avoiding a bus trip into town. It still took quite a time to complete the job - but it's  done now. 

Peter later also helped out with a wiring problem I was having - he crimped on a heavy duty connection I needed but didn't have.  (Soldering was not working out as a makeshift solution to my problem - despite using lots of solder, it just demonstrated my lack of skill!!) 

Having finally resolved that problem, I was able to add in the antenna extension needed (via the below-deck  portion of the antenna feed wire to the tuner) to avoid a problem on 14300kHz that I unexpectedly found after replacing the tuner and control cable with the ones that Icom America so kindly provided.  I'm delighted to confirm success with that - the small extra length of cable added in to the antenna works to resolve the problem!!  My HF/SSB radio is now working beautifully on all frequencies - many thanks yet again to Icom America  for their generous support.

The mainsail was removed for checking over - it needs a few small repairs.  It's always so much easier and quicker to remove it with a friend's help - thank you, Andy ('Foolish Muse'), for coming by after work (and delivering it to the loft for me).

Making progress on locating a replacement solenoid valve for the autopilot - in UK...  Raymarine are being helpful... And also hoping to replace some broken (plastic) Lewmar parts soon - in contact with Lewmar USA.

Thanks to another RVYC member AJ ('Fiasco') for picking up my aft cabin cushions this morning.   Another step achieved in organising the boat better for the long trip coming up..... Now for some sorting out - it will be nice to get into a less chaotic state down below ....

Weather has been great again today -hope it keeps for the long holiday weekend here in N. America ....  


26th August 2017 - Excellent working visit by Robert and Rose

Saturday 26th August 2017 - A good day's work on yet another beautiful summer's day!

I've made excellent use of the Victoria bus system over last week.   Using Google maps and a wifi Internet system on my phone, I'm able to find my way around town efficiently for shopping - so easy!  No longer any need to ask the driver to warn me on approaching my stop - although most are very helpful.
It was great to see Robert and Rose (Tillicum) again today and Robert finally sorted out my autopilot problem which turned out to be caused by a stuck solenoid valve on the ram (drive unit).  The advice was to use both drives in turn, rather than using one a lot, leaving the other idle most of the time.
We next turned to the radio and spliced lengths from two cables so as to give a good length with the correct (Molex) connectors at both ends.  Testing with the cable connecting the tuner to the radio was a little inconclusive.  It mainly seemed fine but I need to test it further by transmitting on different frequencies to live people, rather than just talking to myself!
Looking at the fuel transfer line to the cabin heater fuel tank got interesting!  Robert discovered a small dirty filter tucked away out of sight which I was totally unaware of (and which had been installed the wrong way around).   There was also another filter which also badly needed cleaning - and a flow valve handle which was in the  'off' position - no wonder no fuel was able to pass by!!  The arrangement is not satisfactory and needs improving to make both the 'on/off' valve and a better, bigger filter more visible and accessible.  Knowing the pump was fine saved a lot of money which I was all set to spend on a replacement.
Finally, a broken switch on the generator and the manual seawater  pump at the galley were both replaced - fairly quick and simple jobs at the end of a long, productive day.  I'll clean the old pump and change the vital parts using a spares kit so I have a working spare.
First thing tomorrow,  after coffee with friends Tony and Coryn who live nearby, I'll fix the new start motor battery switch in place - and then clear and tidy the boat before looking at other jobs on my list - the entire boat is now in chaos!
Hopefully, I'll find time for a walk - this great sunny weather is forecast to continue...
I hope my UK friends are enjoying a good Bank Holiday weekend.


"Life is precious - make the most of it!"

Tuesday 22nd August 2017

A trip into town by bus, hoping to sort out a phone problem, led to discovering a large Canadian Tire store...  Browsing their Auto dept, I found lots of items good for the boat - useful that cars and boats  share a 12V system...
Back to finish off the rewiring project with some useful connectors I found there. 
Still haven't found the elechronic cleaner for corroded connections that I'm looking for, to use on the mast top wind transducer connection.

13th August 2017

Sunday 13th August 2017

Arrived Friday Hbr Saturday evening.... Lovely small town on San Juan Island.

Coming up from PT Townsend was an easy run, despite the ebb tide slowing us down over the last part of the trip.     

Photos show rocky islets just S of Cattle Pass leading to water between San Juan and Lopez Islands and view towards the Pass itself


Nice walk on Sunday from the harbour area. …..     Madrona tree in the sunlight.....   Harbour seal in the marina

19th August 2017 - Victoria, B.C., Canada

Saturday 19th August 2017 -  Victoria, B.C., Canada

The weather has been wonderful since arriving back here at the Royal Victoria Y.C. on Monday 14th August at the end of my journey north that started from Zihuatanejo,  Mexico, after enjoying their Guitar Fest in March.   It has been a real mix of being partly in 'ambling mode', with lots of stops on the way, seeing places, a touch of cruising in May in the southern Sea of Cortez from La Paz, meeting people ….and often getting boat jobs done.  But far too often, we’ve been in 'bash' mode - trying to head north in so-called 'weather windows' that usually resulted in motoring against mainly light winds (with occasional stronger headwinds and rough seas) or in calms, with frequent stops to await the next 'weather window' - mostly a matter of trying to avoid the strong northerlies that are so prevalent on the West coast of North America in the summer.

Jobs are still ongoing and any boat in constant use invariably has breakdowns and repairs adding in to the previous list.   I’m presently re-wiring the solar panels’ circuits with tinned wire (the untinned wire I found in use in part of the circuits is totally black with oxidation).  I replaced my Icom tuner on Thursday (my 75th birthday present to myself!) - many thanks to Icom America for their wonderful support.  They’re sending a new control cable with fresh connectors so I can connect the tuner to my Icom M801E radio.  I looked to see why one of my autopilots is not driving the rudder at all - the drive arm (ram) probably needs attention/servicing.   I have to investigate further a small fuel transfer pump problem - likely to be an impellor that needs changing, all bungies on deck, holding blocks etc in place, need replacing - and there are many other items still on the list to be dealt with, as well as items still to be bought - mainly spares to carry onboard.

Items already dealt with on my way north have included:

VHF radio malfunction - many thanks to Navico/Simrad in Ensenada for their generous support in replacing the system;

sail shape improved by moving reefing lines aft on boom - simple but effective - thanks to Mark Butler in San Diego for his help;

water maker thoroughly serviced in Sausalito - now functioning well and in 'pickle' for time being;

thorough cleaning and/or renewing of bilge, pumps, sensors and hoses in Sausalito;

engine serviced and oil changed in Ensenada and Sausalito;

diesel generator impellor changed in Ensenada (spare impellor I’d made use of was too old and so wasn’t working properly, causing overheating);

improved a new storm screen fixing in the cockpit in La Paz, making it easier to use or stow away;

dealt with poor switch connections on the Superwind wind generator circuit in San Francisco - now working fine;

replaced a faulty fuse holder and re-made connections on solar panels’ circuit in San Diego - one circuit kept 'blowing' its fuse - behaving fine now;

shortened pennants on staysail in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle (luff was too long so couldn’t be adequately tensioned) - need to get a new sail since this one was used so much in the Southern Ocean and it also suffered when lying to a storm last October;

dealt with erratic wind display - after remaking all connections, seems the top mast connection was slightly corroded - needs further cleaning and corrosion protection, although eventually behaved fine on trip here from San Francisco;

I’m finding there are never enough hours in the day to get done what I expect to - but it’s nice to be in friendly company - the Royal Victoria Y.C. have made me very welcome and are keen to help me in whatever way they can, which is very much appreciated.  There are always suggestions of someone useful to consult when I’m not sure how to tackle a problem or offers of practical help.