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S/V Nereida sails around the world

Zihuatanejo and Ixtapa.... wind info back?

Saturday 4th June

After anchoring in the Bay early Friday afternoon, I relaxed and had a lovely swim before moving over, just before sunset, to Ixtapa marina from where I hoped to clear out of Mexico Saturday morning... No such luck... After a 25 min/10 pesos bus ride into Zihuatanejo town, found the Capitania was closed for International checkouts until Monday... I was almost tempted just to sail away... but will make use of the time to sort out a few things on board. A big bird landed on the masthead as we got close, after which the wind instrument was showing 0.0 knots, even though the cups were turning on the anemometer... Grrr! Means a trip up the mast to see if the problem can be fixed. Had a big rainstorm again early this morning, so will make sure I avoid any such weather if I do decide to climb up...

Took a photo of the dinghy beach by the town jetty... No dinghies (I seem to be the only active cruiser here - out of season) but the local fishing boats (pangas) are seen in the distance... Fishermen near their boats on the beach in the morning hope to sell their varied catch...

Went on to spend a relaxing day in Zihuatanejo ... Took some more photos but the battery was flat :-( . Had a good, late, chilequiles breakfast after wandering around a bit and getting some cash. Spent late afternoon on shady beachfront overlooking Bay with slow, cool cerveza, watching kiddies playing in the waves and then fishermen preparing their pangas for that evening's fishing.

Later, found same guy near busy Plaza making same great hamburguesas (just 40 pesos) as used to in 2005 & 2007! (Remember... Steph, Warren & Goh?) On to Barracuda's to chat as I munched ... and watched ice hockey game in Canadian company... Finally caught last bus back to Ixtapa ... at 8:30 p.m....! Put up mosquito netting - this place used to be a swamp... (and used to have frequent crocodiles lurking in the water....)

Sunday ..... catching up with boat stuff (and Internet while it's available - in cool, air-conditioned marina office with friendly, helpful staff). No trip up mast needed ... Wind instrument seems to have recovered ...wind info is being displayed again. Great! Weather not looking threatening but neither is it looking particularly helpful for heading off tomorrow after bus trip in to Capitania and then refuelling as I leave... C'est la vie... Que sera, sera... Would be really nice to have good sailing weather...

See RNLI magazine item: http://magazine.rnli.org/Article/How-to-start-your-sailing-adventure-105

Acapulco - Dia de Marinero - fiesta!!

On Tuesday, the afternoon breeze hardly kicked in at all, so although I poled out the genoa and goose-winged the main, we barely made 3.5 kt. Lovely though it was to be without the engine noise, I was forced to start the motor soon after dark.

I kept well offshore overnight, as we approached Acapulco, passing the beach where Nereida I is totally buried, deep under the wet sand of a surf beach near the village of Tenexpa..

I had kept our speed down to make sure we arrived in daylight.... It turned out that I couldn't have chosen a better day to pull into Acapulco!

I found the Acapulco Y.C. fuel dock, after a bit of searching around, and was told I needed to go to the office with my ship's papers before fuelling.

I knew Senor Marquez, the Y.C. Dockmaster, from my visit in 2008 and, sure enough, he came into the office to check my papers. He had been the kind soul who had said to stay with his family in 2008 when I lost my boat the very next day after leaving to head north to complete a circumnavigation....

It was lovely to catch up with him - but he said the port captain's office was closed because it was a fiesta - Dia de Marinero. - which explained the Navy boat coming out that morning, dressed overall with flags, and the accompanying smaller boats I'd seen as I was entering Boca Grande - the main bay of Acapulco.

Jose suggested I stay overnight at the nearby Maina Acapulco (half the cost of the Y.C.!) and invited me to the Y.C. fiesta at 4pm when I'd meet his family. That went really well, with a live band to dance to in between chatting to the family.and being plied with food and drink. (They all came to visit "Nereida" later)

Discussing my plans, Jose said it would be better to clear out from Mexico in Zihuatanejo rather than from Acapulco whose officials might possibly cause me complications - he could give me a 'despacho' from Acapulco to Zihuatanejo to simplify matters - so off to his office he went, returning half an hour later with my paper - very kind of him.

So plans have changed. Tomorrow, instead of heading to the Port Captain's office first thing, I'll be heading for Zihuatanejo (a day's sail away) that I was intending to go to anyway, to clear out of Mexico from there for Canada.. Why was I planning on heading to there from Acapulco? To complete my 'unfinished' circumnavigation which I'd started in March 2007 and so nearly finished in June 2008....

I'd forgotten the blue-and-white old Volkswagen Beetles which are commonly the taxis here in Acapulco. ...And the steep-sided roads, with hair-pin bends and stone facings - much of the bay is very steep-to.

I'll wander over towards the marina office soon, not just to send this off (my ship's radio connection via Pactor modem normally does that fine) but to get an Internet connection - possibly my last for several weeks - and post some photos on Facebook from today's fiesta event with the Marquez family at the Acapulco Y.C.

Tomorrow, I'll leave for Zihuatanejo - probably motoring into a light breeze - the forecast is not looking helpful for the next few days.... light winds, possibly northerlies... Que sera,sera...!

Overnight fun and games.... Busy with shipping.

Tuesday 0600GMT - Passing S of the busy port of Lazaro Cardenas... Having to stand watch overnight for most of the time.

'Bicente' was ahead and clearly changed course slightly to avoid getting too close - passed by our port side a good two miles off - the beauty of AIS - I can 'see' them, they can 'see' me!

Next ship, coming from astern, is 'Kukulcan' - their course is showing them passing rather close - about one mile off. We'll both keep a careful watch to make sure that happens but first they need to avoid 'Bicente'- Looks as though they'll pass each other 'port-to-port', with room to spare.

Frequent short exchanges between ships around have been heard on the VHF but when I called 'Bicente' earlier, to confirm our plan of action to avoid collision, my plotter was affected and I had to reset my instruments - the plotter was telling me I'd completed my track, so the AP had no data to work with...! Annoying but quickly resolved, although I wasn't keen, after that, to contact either ship by VHF.

So long as I hold my course, they can alter course slightly if they need to and all is well. Oncoming vessels usually pass port to port and an overtaking vessel must keep clear - lessons we've all learned! Bottom line is to avoid collision at all costs - so stand by to jump to the wheel!!

0630 GMT - the two ships are just passing each other astern of us, 8 miles off. 'Kukulcan' should overtake us in just over an hour's time... I'll have to wait to make sure all is well... Local time is 1.30 a.m. Sleep will be made up over tomorrow in snatches...

0700 GMT - I tried to contact 'Kukulcan' who are still showing as though they'll pass very close - too close for comfort - but .... a language problem... I THINK they indicated that they'll pass us on their starboard side... but I'm not sure... They weren't clear... All I heard was the word 'starboard'. Maybe they'll pass to starboard of us? The main point is that they know we exist - that's got to be good news since they'll hopefully avoid us! (I'm standing by the wheel, just in case....!)

0730 GMT- They look to be heading as though to pass our starboard side...

1430 GMT / 9.30am LT Wow, but it's busy and has been all last night...! I'm seeing nine ships within 50 mls of us, with a lot more in the port of Lazaro Cardenas. Must be all the shipping heading between Panama and all points N of here coming together along this coast now.

We're presently 20 n.ml. S of Zihuatanejo, with Acapulco 106 n.ml. off - should be docking there this time tomorrow for fuel.

UK May Bank Holiday/US Memorial Day

3.45pm / 2045 GMT Hope UK & US friends are enjoying their holiday!

Beautiful gentle sailing with main on preventer and genoa poled out goose-winged with afternoon onshore breeze enhancing what little wind there would be otherwise - so nice to lose the noise of the motor! Took time organising lines for the pole - having not used it for quite some time, uphaul and downhaul were only present on port side so switched them over to starboard. Was easiest to pole out the genoa but I really should get out the asymmetric at some point - been a long time since I used that!

Apparent wind is from W, around 10 kt but we're making around 5 kt ESE so true wind is likely to be about 14kt.

Acapulco is 188ml off still - looks like ETA of Wed around dawn if present speed kept up - daylight arrival always best.

Made a lot of radio contacts on 7163 around 4:30am - spoke to Guam, Kiritimati, Hawaii and Papeete, as well as many on or near US East coast. Later, spoke on 40m to West coast, Arizona and Mexico, with Australian stations also coming in well - one from Norfolk Island. Timing very dependent on time of local sunrise for good propagation and 40m band seems to be very noisy at present, so not always easy to make contact - but fun to try! Many radio friends I've never met face-to-face but have chatted with for a few years now.

I'll wait for wind to die down towards evening before starting the motor again. I'm enjoying the pleasant sail with only slight swell now... it's so relaxing! Time for food...

Lazaro Cardenas 45 n.ml. ENE, Zihuatanejo 80 n.ml. E

Good wind, then light wind...

10am LT / 1500GMT Sky totally overcast. Passing due W of Tenacatita, about 16 miles off - keeping well offshore to avoid possible long-liners and any other fishing boats.

Still seeing lots of shipping further out - they're usually well out of my way, but AIS alarm just went off- one ship was headed directly for us! BSL 'Limassol' - just left Manzanillo, headed to USA - pleasant guy on VHF 16. Switched channel - He suggested I maintain my course and speed and we'll pass port to port - no problem. Both sent each other good wishes for a safe passage.... Typical mariner radio exchange!! Watching them pass by, I noticed a small turtle in the water, head held up, shell glistening.

Swell has died down a lot - I've some clearing up from rough seas yesterday which threw us about a lot and a galley locker door has come adrift - damaged hinge needs two screws replacing with thicker ones. Having to motor now in light wind after lovely overnight sail in good wind - always nice and peaceful without the engine running.

A small dove has been taking a ride since around dawn - perched in the bow, resting.

Made lots of radio contacts earlier, including a few familiar ones in S. Africa and Australia - always fun to chat to radio friends. Will continue daily contacts as I sail on.

4pm LT / 1900 GMT - teatime! Enough of an onshore breeze kicked in a bit earlier to unfurl genoa and later the staysail helped our speed by another half knot - every little bit helps....! Motor-sailing at 5 - 5.7 kt. in light WSW wind - suspect tide is helping SOG. Disturbed the bird who flew off - hopefully well rested!

Taking frequent short naps to keep up with sleep - helpful being 15-20 miles offshore and having AIS.

8:30pm LT / 0130 GMT 20 miles due S of Manzanillo and the light is fading rapidly. The sun, a big red globe, sank into the grey cloud layer on the horizon a short while ago.

A sure sign of no wind is when the needle spins around, not knowing where to settle. The flapping headsails had been furled in and, shortly afterwards, I noticed that 'our' bird, a collared dove, had returned to its perch on the pulpit., clearly intending to stay the night.

Just before it got too dark, I went forward to the mast to check some lines - and saw we had more company - a group of small dolphins came by and played around the bow - "Goodnight!"

Off again... away to Cabo Corrientes and on to Acapulco

A beautiful day... Almost no wind, so raised mainsail before leaving dock, to make sure no problems. Checked around on deck and noticed shackle needed on pole uphaul - so sorted that out also. Internet was down, so no chance to check on emails but will use Winlink via my HF radio while I'm under way.

F2 headwind from SW so motored to Cabo Corrientes. Hoping, once around, to be able to sail, so fixed vane of Hydrovane in position in readiness, with rudder already in place.

Big patch of deep red water about 10 ml NE of C. Corrientes - 'red tide'?

Almost no cloud - lovely to have awning in place over cockpit, for shade from bright, hot sun!

11.30pm Checked in with Pacific Seafarers' Net on 14300 at 0315 GMT/10:15 p.m. LT - good to make contact with several familiar voices!

We're sailing almost dead downwind at present, goose-winged, having turned off the motor some hours ago - we'd been motor-sailing up to then in light wind but wind is up nicely now.

Very rolly - good test of how well (or not) things are stowed! Leecloth on port bunk is useful for storing anything loose.

Beautiful starry night - no cloud - Southern Cross in clear view high over horizon to starboard... Sea sparkling with phosphorescence - lovely to see!

Keeping well offshore (~12 mls) to avoid, hopefully, illegal long-line fishing boats - I've been told they're normally 3 mls or so off the coast. Further offshore, 15-30 mls away, it's busy with shipping - so my present position seems about the safest.

0440 GMT position: 19 51N, 105 39W SOG: 6kt, COG: 148T wind: NW 15+ kt

Away .... And back!

Thinking a wallet was missing, delayed my start today... Also an interview with BBC Somerset for Steve Pointon's sail around the UK for Action for Children .. That went well .... Not long to his start on 20th June...  Good luck, Steve!    Got to fuel dock far later in day than intended... Wind got up but suddenly switched off.... Great, I thought, time to go.... Not so great once out of lee of land near marina.... F 4-5 headwinds and swell.... Not good!  Also, main halyard I'd got ready for sailing, was wrapped around backstay top insulator... Grrr!  Decided best to return to marina rather than go anchor off Pta de Mita in hope swell not too bad for a mast climb......  Back in marina... Lovely nap and then to 'La Peska' for last Mexican meal...  Lovely seafood molcajete and (free!) margaritas.  Plan to leave again early tomorrow (Sat) morning, when no wind, for rounding Cabo Corrientes on way S to Acapulco...

Will post position to Winlink as usual and will check in with PacSeaNet on 14300 daily at 0330Z.   Amusingly, I saw my today's track shown via AIS on marinetraffic.com - if you go there, make sure it's the correct 'Nereida' - off Pacific Mexico coast!

More tomorrow....


"Life is precious - make the most of it!"

Back on board Nereida in Mexico

Monday 23 May 2016

After a lengthy two-day journey, involving an overnight stop in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, I got back to Nereida this afternoon.  It's nice to be back after a busy time in Lymington with not much sleep over several days, so much work was needed in preparing to leave.

My Virgin Atlantic first leg from LHR was made very enjoyable when the friendly crew upgraded me  - lovely to stretch out and get a much-needed sleep in between good food and drink!  I was also pleasantly surprised not to be charged excess baggage fees on either of the two legs - the rigging parts I had with me were very heavy, so much so that I took a taxi to and from the airports today after a big struggle with my suitcases yesterday between the airport and my Atlanta hotel.  Had to have Southern fried chicken in Max Lager's Brewery restaurant close by the hotel - Georgia is a Southern state, after all!

As is usual when coming through Customs into Mexico, I had to push a button when passing through Puerto Vallarta airport for a random possible inspection of my luggage - I breathed a sigh of quiet relief when I got a green light, not a red one...

Now I have to prepare the boat to move on - will probably take a few days but I'd like to sail away as soon as possible, now that the hurricane season is almost upon us.


To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February 2016

To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February, 2016


Reid Inlet, Alaska05


February 16th, 19:33

It was lovely to get away from the dock for six days last week with friends Tom & Maggie who had joined me the week before on board “Nereida”.   Outstanding jobs to be done on board – none of them critical – would have to wait, although the dinghy was inflated, the outboard was run to check it and the diesel was topped up.  I’d stocked up with plenty of fruit juices, fresh fruit, eggs, cheese and vegetables so we would eat well while at anchor..


We had hoped to sail but with light winds from astern, we motored most of the 42 miles from La Cruz, around Punta de Mita and on to Chacala – a lovely anchorage with good holding, although open to SW swell which, sure enough, made itself felt but not so badly that it became a problem – we were rocked gently to sleep.   Surfers enjoy the waves along the beach just south of there.


We were keen to get to historic San Blas so, instead of dinghying ashore, we left soon after a leisurely breakfast of fresh papaya.

I overlaid the radar over the chart on the plotter – the old Mexican charts are renowned for being unreliable and the radar image showed the land to be generally over one and a half miles further east than the chart placed it.   Our track several times passed over ‘land’!  Passing Punta Los Custodios, with rocks awash shown as well offshore, we kept our eyes glued to the depth display but we were in plenty of water all the way.


Our final destination was Bahía Matanchén – a wide open anchorage with a long curving beach fringed by palms and lines of ‘palapas’ – beach restaurants roofed with palm fronds to shade the many (empty) chairs and tables set out on the fine sand. The long beach to our east, running south, was scattered with small houses and behind it, the jungle-covered mountains rose high.


The old town and river-port of San Blas lay a short distance around a point to the NW with the coast highway passing an easy walking distance from the beach.  Ishmael runs a palapa conveniently close to a good landing spot for the dinghy and kept an eye on it while we were away in exchange for a drink and a tip  on our return.  The swell was minimal into the bay and made for a fairly easy landing – getting wet feet and legs is all part of the normal dinghy-beaching routine!


We had been advised to anchor well out in the shallow bay so we were ¾ mile out and several other boats came in and anchored even further out.   The reason?  No-see-ums, or ‘jejenas’ to the Mexicans ….   These minute, pin-head-sized insects are difficult to see and have a disproportionately painful bite and, so the Mexicans will tell you, laugh “he-he” as they do so…. usually around sunset and sunrise.


I’d asked my friends to bring a big double mosquito net with them, thinking it might be needed over their bunk, but they rigged it up over half the cockpit so we could sit out and enjoy the sunset and fresh air without being bitten – it worked well after a few attempts to drape it high up enough while still reaching the cockpit floor.

We spent a very lazy Sunday at anchor in the peaceful, sunny bay.   Every now and then, we’d hear a splash as the pelican that seemed to have adopted the boat dived after the many fish that sheltered underneath us and a small group of chirping swallows were busily exploring various perches on the boat.

We finally went ashore just in time to meet up on the beach with some other boaters – one of whom I knew.  They were able to advise us on getting in to town and making the river trip we’d heard about, as well as pointing out Ishmael’s palapa to us.


The main road into San Blas was an easy walk from the beach and, at the point where we reached it, was lined on both sides with small tiendas.    Most of these claimed to be selling the only ‘autentico, unico’ assorted local breads, cakes and pastries!   We tried the banana bread (excellent) and a few pastries – all sold with a big friendly smi

Monday we took a taxi into town – the local bus we would have preferred seemed to be rather infrequent and we had made a late start again.  San Blas is an old town "San Blas was founded in 1531, but the official date of founding is 1768, when Don Manuel Rivera and 116 families arrived .  It was the port from which the Spanish priest Junípero Serra, Father President of the California Missions, departed for California. He left on March 12, 1768 from the nearby Las Islitas beach on Matanchen Bay, in the locally built barquePurísima ConcepciónIn May 1768, San Blas was designated as a new naval base for the Spanish Navy.  A fort was built high up on a rocky escarpment overlooking the town with excellent views far over the surrounding area – three sides have steep rocky faces.  The fort has recently been renovated and the church close by is impressive despite its lack of roof.

The US poet Longfellow is well-known in the town for his poem ‘The Bells of San Blas’, some or all of which we found inscribed on walls in several places, including, of course, the old church it referred to.  (This was Longfellow's last poem, finished days before his death but he never visited the town.)   Apart from a beautiful old hotel near the riverside harbour area, with a lovely courtyard at its centre, and other occasional well-kept buildings, most of the town was looking rather dilapidated and the roads were mainly of big, old cobbles. 

Amusingly, the town square has an enormous Christmas Tree construction which seems to be a permanent feature.  The town market building stood opposite one corner of the square and Huichol Indian women were selling their many traditional bead items under the shady trees along one side of the square – I was very tempted, they are so colourful and delicate.

I liked the feel of the town, despite its rundown character – full of history and very Mexican – few ‘gringos’ here…


Tuesday we took the Tobara River trip in a typical open Mexican ‘panga’, our guide Juanito driving us through the winding river between thick mangroves near the beach, the greenery slowly getting less dense finally to become reed beds with occasional trees as the view opened up to the distant mountains.  A beautiful primavera tree covered in yellow blossom stood out against the mountainous backdrop.


Being around midday, with the sun beating down out of a clear sky, it wasn’t the best time for bird activity, but in or below trees at the river’s edge we saw a variety of birds, crocodiles, a turtle and some big termite mounds high up.


It was all very enjoyable but the best was yet to come – at the end of the trip, we stopped at a restaurant where a large pool of water was crystal clear and refreshingly cool – I’ve not enjoyed a swim so much for a long time – it was delicious!  Jaguars are said to roam around here...


We returned at speed, with Juanito swinging us around the many bends in great style – good fun!


A fresh fish ceviche was prepared for us by Ishmael before we dinghied back to the boat for a relaxing sundowner.

We all agreed we’d like to return to Matanchén Bay and San Blas sometime but now it was time to make an early morning start back down to Punta de Mita where we anchored peacefully overnight before returning to the marina in La Cruz –Tom and Maggie had a flight to catch to Vancouver.


Memorable moments included whales spouting in the distance, two fishermen frantically waving us inshore of their unseen fishing net, a large turtle swimming past the boat and lots of small brown rays swimming with upturned wingtips in Matanchén Bay.


The Bells of San Blas

What say the Bells of San Blas
To the ships that southward pass
     From the harbor of Mazatlan?
To them it is nothing more
Than the sound of surf on the shore,—
     Nothing more to master or man.

But to me, a dreamer of dreams,
To whom what is and what seems
     Are often one and the same,—
The Bells of San Blas to me
Have a strange, wild melody,
     And are something more than a name.

For bells are the voice of the church;
They have tones that touch and search
     The hearts of young and old;
One sound to all, yet each
Lends a meaning to their speech,
     And the meaning is manifold.

They are a voice of the Past,
Of an age that is fading fast,
     Of a power austere and grand;
When the flag of Spain unfurled
Its folds o'er this western world,
     And the Priest was lord of the land.

The chapel that once looked down
On the little seaport town
     Has crumbled into the dust;
And on oaken beams below
The bells swing to and fro,
     And are green with mould and rust.

"Is, then, the old faith dead,"
They say, "and in its stead
     Is some new faith proclaimed,
That we are forced to remain
Naked to sun and rain,
     Unsheltered and ashamed?

"Once in our tower aloof
We rang over wall and roof
     Our warnings and our complaints;
And round about us there
The white doves filled the air,
     Like the white souls of the saints.

"The saints! Ah, have they grown
Forgetful of their own?
     Are they asleep, or dead,
That open to the sky
Their ruined Missions lie,
     No longer tenanted?

"Oh, bring us back once more
The vanished days of yore,
     When the world with faith was filled;
Bring back the fervid zeal,
The hearts of fire and steel,
     The hands that believe and build.

"Then from our tower again
We will send over land and main
     Our voices of command,
Like exiled kings who return
To their thrones, and the people learn
     That the Priest is lord of the land!"

O Bells of San Blas, in vain
Ye call back the Past again!
     The Past is deaf to your prayer;
Out of the shadows of night
The world rolls into light;
     It is daybreak everywhere.

To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February 2016

To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February, 2016


Reid Inlet, Alaska05


February 16th, 19:33

It was lovely to get away from the dock for six days last week with friends Tom & Maggie who had joined me the week before on board “Nereida”.   Outstanding jobs to be done on board – none of them critical – would have to wait, although the dinghy was inflated, the outboard was run to check it and the diesel was topped up.  I’d stocked up with plenty of fruit juices, fresh fruit, eggs, cheese and vegetables so we would eat well while at anchor..


We had hoped to sail but with light winds from astern, we motored most of the 42 miles from La Cruz, around Punta de Mita and on to Chacala – a lovely anchorage with good holding, although open to SW swell which, sure enough, made itself felt but not so badly that it became a problem – we were rocked gently to sleep.   Surfers enjoy the waves along the beach just south of there.


We were keen to get to historic San Blas so, instead of dinghying ashore, we left soon after a leisurely breakfast of fresh papaya.

I overlaid the radar over the chart on the plotter – the old Mexican charts are renowned for being unreliable and the radar image showed the land to be generally over one and a half miles further east than the chart placed it.   Our track several times passed over ‘land’!  Passing Punta Los Custodios, with rocks awash shown as well offshore, we kept our eyes glued to the depth display but we were in plenty of water all the way.


Our final destination was Bahía Matanchén – a wide open anchorage with a long curving beach fringed by palms and lines of ‘palapas’ – beach restaurants roofed with palm fronds to shade the many (empty) chairs and tables set out on the fine sand. The long beach to our east, running south, was scattered with small houses and behind it, the jungle-covered mountains rose high.


The old town and river-port of San Blas lay a short distance around a point to the NW with the coast highway passing an easy walking distance from the beach.  Ishmael runs a palapa conveniently close to a good landing spot for the dinghy and kept an eye on it while we were away in exchange for a drink and a tip  on our return.  The swell was minimal into the bay and made for a fairly easy landing – getting wet feet and legs is all part of the normal dinghy-beaching routine!


We had been advised to anchor well out in the shallow bay so we were ¾ mile out and several other boats came in and anchored even further out.   The reason?  No-see-ums, or ‘jejenas’ to the Mexicans ….   These minute, pin-head-sized insects are difficult to see and have a disproportionately painful bite and, so the Mexicans will tell you, laugh “he-he” as they do so…. usually around sunset and sunrise.


I’d asked my friends to bring a big double mosquito net with them, thinking it might be needed over their bunk, but they rigged it up over half the cockpit so we could sit out and enjoy the sunset and fresh air without being bitten – it worked well after a few attempts to drape it high up enough while still reaching the cockpit floor.

We spent a very lazy Sunday at anchor in the peaceful, sunny bay.   Every now and then, we’d hear a splash as the pelican that seemed to have adopted the boat dived after the many fish that sheltered underneath us and a small group of chirping swallows were busily exploring various perches on the boat.

We finally went ashore just in time to meet up on the beach with some other boaters – one of whom I knew.  They were able to advise us on getting in to town and making the river trip we’d heard about, as well as pointing out Ishmael’s palapa to us.


The main road into San Blas was an easy walk from the beach and, at the point where we reached it, was lined on both sides with small tiendas.    Most of these claimed to be selling the only ‘autentico, unico’ assorted local breads, cakes and pastries!   We tried the banana bread (excellent) and a few pastries – all sold with a big friendly smi

Monday we took a taxi into town – the local bus we would have preferred seemed to be rather infrequent and we had made a late start again.  San Blas is an old town "San Blas was founded in 1531, but the official date of founding is 1768, when Don Manuel Rivera and 116 families arrived .  It was the port from which the Spanish priest Junípero Serra, Father President of the California Missions, departed for California. He left on March 12, 1768 from the nearby Las Islitas beach on Matanchen Bay, in the locally built barquePurísima ConcepciónIn May 1768, San Blas was designated as a new naval base for the Spanish Navy.  A fort was built high up on a rocky escarpment overlooking the town with excellent views far over the surrounding area – three sides have steep rocky faces.  The fort has recently been renovated and the church close by is impressive despite its lack of roof.

The US poet Longfellow is well-known in the town for his poem ‘The Bells of San Blas’, some or all of which we found inscribed on walls in several places, including, of course, the old church it referred to.  (This was Longfellow's last poem, finished days before his death but he never visited the town.)   Apart from a beautiful old hotel near the riverside harbour area, with a lovely courtyard at its centre, and other occasional well-kept buildings, most of the town was looking rather dilapidated and the roads were mainly of big, old cobbles. 

Amusingly, the town square has an enormous Christmas Tree construction which seems to be a permanent feature.  The town market building stood opposite one corner of the square and Huichol Indian women were selling their many traditional bead items under the shady trees along one side of the square – I was very tempted, they are so colourful and delicate.

I liked the feel of the town, despite its rundown character – full of history and very Mexican – few ‘gringos’ here…


Tuesday we took the Tobara River trip in a typical open Mexican ‘panga’, our guide Juanito driving us through the winding river between thick mangroves near the beach, the greenery slowly getting less dense finally to become reed beds with occasional trees as the view opened up to the distant mountains.  A beautiful primavera tree covered in yellow blossom stood out against the mountainous backdrop.


Being around midday, with the sun beating down out of a clear sky, it wasn’t the best time for bird activity, but in or below trees at the river’s edge we saw a variety of birds, crocodiles, a turtle and some big termite mounds high up.


It was all very enjoyable but the best was yet to come – at the end of the trip, we stopped at a restaurant where a large pool of water was crystal clear and refreshingly cool – I’ve not enjoyed a swim so much for a long time – it was delicious!  Jaguars are said to roam around here...


We returned at speed, with Juanito swinging us around the many bends in great style – good fun!


A fresh fish ceviche was prepared for us by Ishmael before we dinghied back to the boat for a relaxing sundowner.

We all agreed we’d like to return to Matanchén Bay and San Blas sometime but now it was time to make an early morning start back down to Punta de Mita where we anchored peacefully overnight before returning to the marina in La Cruz –Tom and Maggie had a flight to catch to Vancouver.


Memorable moments included whales spouting in the distance, two fishermen frantically waving us inshore of their unseen fishing net, a large turtle swimming past the boat and lots of small brown rays swimming with upturned wingtips in Matanchén Bay.


The Bells of San Blas

What say the Bells of San Blas
To the ships that southward pass
     From the harbor of Mazatlan?
To them it is nothing more
Than the sound of surf on the shore,—
     Nothing more to master or man.

But to me, a dreamer of dreams,
To whom what is and what seems
     Are often one and the same,—
The Bells of San Blas to me
Have a strange, wild melody,
     And are something more than a name.

For bells are the voice of the church;
They have tones that touch and search
     The hearts of young and old;
One sound to all, yet each
Lends a meaning to their speech,
     And the meaning is manifold.

They are a voice of the Past,
Of an age that is fading fast,
     Of a power austere and grand;
When the flag of Spain unfurled
Its folds o'er this western world,
     And the Priest was lord of the land.

The chapel that once looked down
On the little seaport town
     Has crumbled into the dust;
And on oaken beams below
The bells swing to and fro,
     And are green with mould and rust.

"Is, then, the old faith dead,"
They say, "and in its stead
     Is some new faith proclaimed,
That we are forced to remain
Naked to sun and rain,
     Unsheltered and ashamed?

"Once in our tower aloof
We rang over wall and roof
     Our warnings and our complaints;
And round about us there
The white doves filled the air,
     Like the white souls of the saints.

"The saints! Ah, have they grown
Forgetful of their own?
     Are they asleep, or dead,
That open to the sky
Their ruined Missions lie,
     No longer tenanted?

"Oh, bring us back once more
The vanished days of yore,
     When the world with faith was filled;
Bring back the fervid zeal,
The hearts of fire and steel,
     The hands that believe and build.

"Then from our tower again
We will send over land and main
     Our voices of command,
Like exiled kings who return
To their thrones, and the people learn
     That the Priest is lord of the land!"

O Bells of San Blas, in vain
Ye call back the Past again!
     The Past is deaf to your prayer;
Out of the shadows of night
The world rolls into light;
     It is daybreak everywhere.

To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February 2016

To San Blas from La Cruz de Huanacaxtle - 13-18th February, 2016


Reid Inlet, Alaska05


February 16th, 19:33

It was lovely to get away from the dock for six days last week with friends Tom & Maggie who had joined me the week before on board “Nereida”.   Outstanding jobs to be done on board – none of them critical – would have to wait, although the dinghy was inflated, the outboard was run to check it and the diesel was topped up.  I’d stocked up with plenty of fruit juices, fresh fruit, eggs, cheese and vegetables so we would eat well while at anchor..


We had hoped to sail but with light winds from astern, we motored most of the 42 miles from La Cruz, around Punta de Mita and on to Chacala – a lovely anchorage with good holding, although open to SW swell which, sure enough, made itself felt but not so badly that it became a problem – we were rocked gently to sleep.   Surfers enjoy the waves along the beach just south of there.


We were keen to get to historic San Blas so, instead of dinghying ashore, we left soon after a leisurely breakfast of fresh papaya.

I overlaid the radar over the chart on the plotter – the old Mexican charts are renowned for being unreliable and the radar image showed the land to be generally over one and a half miles further east than the chart placed it.   Our track several times passed over ‘land’!  Passing Punta Los Custodios, with rocks awash shown as well offshore, we kept our eyes glued to the depth display but we were in plenty of water all the way.


Our final destination was Bahía Matanchén – a wide open anchorage with a long curving beach fringed by palms and lines of ‘palapas’ – beach restaurants roofed with palm fronds to shade the many (empty) chairs and tables set out on the fine sand. The long beach to our east, running south, was scattered with small houses and behind it, the jungle-covered mountains rose high.


The old town and river-port of San Blas lay a short distance around a point to the NW with the coast highway passing an easy walking distance from the beach.  Ishmael runs a palapa conveniently close to a good landing spot for the dinghy and kept an eye on it while we were away in exchange for a drink and a tip  on our return.  The swell was minimal into the bay and made for a fairly easy landing – getting wet feet and legs is all part of the normal dinghy-beaching routine!


We had been advised to anchor well out in the shallow bay so we were ¾ mile out and several other boats came in and anchored even further out.   The reason?  No-see-ums, or ‘jejenas’ to the Mexicans ….   These minute, pin-head-sized insects are difficult to see and have a disproportionately painful bite and, so the Mexicans will tell you, laugh “he-he” as they do so…. usually around sunset and sunrise.


I’d asked my friends to bring a big double mosquito net with them, thinking it might be needed over their bunk, but they rigged it up over half the cockpit so we could sit out and enjoy the sunset and fresh air without being bitten – it worked well after a few attempts to drape it high up enough while still reaching the cockpit floor.

We spent a very lazy Sunday at anchor in the peaceful, sunny bay.   Every now and then, we’d hear a splash as the pelican that seemed to have adopted the boat dived after the many fish that sheltered underneath us and a small group of chirping swallows were busily exploring various perches on the boat.

We finally went ashore just in time to meet up on the beach with some other boaters – one of whom I knew.  They were able to advise us on getting in to town and making the river trip we’d heard about, as well as pointing out Ishmael’s palapa to us.


The main road into San Blas was an easy walk from the beach and, at the point where we reached it, was lined on both sides with small tiendas.    Most of these claimed to be selling the only ‘autentico, unico’ assorted local breads, cakes and pastries!   We tried the banana bread (excellent) and a few pastries – all sold with a big friendly smi

Monday we took a taxi into town – the local bus we would have preferred seemed to be rather infrequent and we had made a late start again.  San Blas is an old town "San Blas was founded in 1531, but the official date of founding is 1768, when Don Manuel Rivera and 116 families arrived .  It was the port from which the Spanish priest Junípero Serra, Father President of the California Missions, departed for California. He left on March 12, 1768 from the nearby Las Islitas beach on Matanchen Bay, in the locally built barquePurísima ConcepciónIn May 1768, San Blas was designated as a new naval base for the Spanish Navy.  A fort was built high up on a rocky escarpment overlooking the town with excellent views far over the surrounding area – three sides have steep rocky faces.  The fort has recently been renovated and the church close by is impressive despite its lack of roof.

The US poet Longfellow is well-known in the town for his poem ‘The Bells of San Blas’, some or all of which we found inscribed on walls in several places, including, of course, the old church it referred to.  (This was Longfellow's last poem, finished days before his death but he never visited the town.)   Apart from a beautiful old hotel near the riverside harbour area, with a lovely courtyard at its centre, and other occasional well-kept buildings, most of the town was looking rather dilapidated and the roads were mainly of big, old cobbles. 

Amusingly, the town square has an enormous Christmas Tree construction which seems to be a permanent feature.  The town market building stood opposite one corner of the square and Huichol Indian women were selling their many traditional bead items under the shady trees along one side of the square – I was very tempted, they are so colourful and delicate.

I liked the feel of the town, despite its rundown character – full of history and very Mexican – few ‘gringos’ here…


Tuesday we took the Tobara River trip in a typical open Mexican ‘panga’, our guide Juanito driving us through the winding river between thick mangroves near the beach, the greenery slowly getting less dense finally to become reed beds with occasional trees as the view opened up to the distant mountains.  A beautiful primavera tree covered in yellow blossom stood out against the mountainous backdrop.


Being around midday, with the sun beating down out of a clear sky, it wasn’t the best time for bird activity, but in or below trees at the river’s edge we saw a variety of birds, crocodiles, a turtle and some big termite mounds high up.


It was all very enjoyable but the best was yet to come – at the end of the trip, we stopped at a restaurant where a large pool of water was crystal clear and refreshingly cool – I’ve not enjoyed a swim so much for a long time – it was delicious!  Jaguars are said to roam around here...


We returned at speed, with Juanito swinging us around the many bends in great style – good fun!


A fresh fish ceviche was prepared for us by Ishmael before we dinghied back to the boat for a relaxing sundowner.

We all agreed we’d like to return to Matanchén Bay and San Blas sometime but now it was time to make an early morning start back down to Punta de Mita where we anchored peacefully overnight before returning to the marina in La Cruz –Tom and Maggie had a flight to catch to Vancouver.


Memorable moments included whales spouting in the distance, two fishermen frantically waving us inshore of their unseen fishing net, a large turtle swimming past the boat and lots of small brown rays swimming with upturned wingtips in Matanchén Bay.


The Bells of San Blas

What say the Bells of San Blas
To the ships that southward pass
     From the harbor of Mazatlan?
To them it is nothing more
Than the sound of surf on the shore,—
     Nothing more to master or man.

But to me, a dreamer of dreams,
To whom what is and what seems
     Are often one and the same,—
The Bells of San Blas to me
Have a strange, wild melody,
     And are something more than a name.

For bells are the voice of the church;
They have tones that touch and search
     The hearts of young and old;
One sound to all, yet each
Lends a meaning to their speech,
     And the meaning is manifold.

They are a voice of the Past,
Of an age that is fading fast,
     Of a power austere and grand;
When the flag of Spain unfurled
Its folds o'er this western world,
     And the Priest was lord of the land.

The chapel that once looked down
On the little seaport town
     Has crumbled into the dust;
And on oaken beams below
The bells swing to and fro,
     And are green with mould and rust.

"Is, then, the old faith dead,"
They say, "and in its stead
     Is some new faith proclaimed,
That we are forced to remain
Naked to sun and rain,
     Unsheltered and ashamed?

"Once in our tower aloof
We rang over wall and roof
     Our warnings and our complaints;
And round about us there
The white doves filled the air,
     Like the white souls of the saints.

"The saints! Ah, have they grown
Forgetful of their own?
     Are they asleep, or dead,
That open to the sky
Their ruined Missions lie,
     No longer tenanted?

"Oh, bring us back once more
The vanished days of yore,
     When the world with faith was filled;
Bring back the fervid zeal,
The hearts of fire and steel,
     The hands that believe and build.

"Then from our tower again
We will send over land and main
     Our voices of command,
Like exiled kings who return
To their thrones, and the people learn
     That the Priest is lord of the land!"

O Bells of San Blas, in vain
Ye call back the Past again!
     The Past is deaf to your prayer;
Out of the shadows of night
The world rolls into light;
     It is daybreak everywhere.

December 2015 - Rudder nicely repaired ... back afloat! Here's to a Happy New Year 2016!!

A lovely, nicely-repaired rudder, freshly Coppercoated, and with clean prop and shaft newly coated with Propspeed .....  we were 'splashed' soon after sunrise on Sat 26th November.  (I'd been busily sanding the new Coppercoat the previous evening by headlight and again in the half-light around dawn)

That date was the last possible date for launching before next March, or maybe even April, in view of the tides becoming smaller over the winter here in the Sea of Cortez - so being ready in time was critical!

I enjoyed being afloat alongside the dock where the dive boat 'Ocean Sport' was moored. close to the table where freshly-caught fish were weighed, cleaned and dealt with - I received a chunk of marlin one day from one of the generous Mexicans which gave me an excuse to cook some ratatouille later to go with it - lovely!

Cruisers dinghying out to their boats in the Bahia, as well as pangas and tourist boats, regularly passed by and waved - all very sociable!

Nice to be afloat again with an intact rudder!   And the bimini support had finally been installed while on the hard - incredible... only one year later than I'd hoped!

After a trip to Europe over the 'holiday' season, I'll be driven back to 'Nereida' from Phoenix by Joseph DiMatteo of Tucson S.C., ready to instal two new 150W solar panels we'll be taking down with us.  Joseph has been amazingly helpful in talking to Solar World who are generously replacing all four panels under warranty - the old ones had degraded in places and were no longer producing the power they should have been.  I'll be looking forward to seeing a big increase in the amps produced by the new PV panels to charge the battery bank.   Many thanks to Solar World and to Joseph.

Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year 2016 to you all!

5th November 2015 Back in San Carlos Marina Seca after some unwanted excitement in the Sea of Cortez


On my return to Nereida early in October, it was nice to reconnect with familiar people around the marina, which suddenly became far busier with cruisers increasingly returning to launch boats safely stored in San Carlos over the heat of the summer and hurricane season, to ready them for sailing in the far pleasanter, cooler, winter weather.   Days suddenly became pleasantly warm and nights cool.

It was enjoyable also to meet Tucson S.C. members down for their annual ‘Fall Regatta’.  I knew several from last year, met new ones and helped crew on ‘Last Dance’ on the first day of racing.  The nearby large Bahia San Francisco is a perfect venue for such a Regatta, with its several islands forming excellent course marks.  I’d also enjoyed crewing the previous weekend on a friend’s Viper in several Arizona Y.C. races on Lake Pleasant, a large reservoir just outside Phoenix.  (We made a 1-3-1 despite my dubious help!)

I’d been looking forward to seeing more of the Sea of Cortez but first wanted to finish a few more boat projects – among them fixing a hatch mosquito screen in the forepeak, which I needed help with since it needed two pairs of hands, and getting a bimini (cockpit sun shade) support organized.  That last item has been frustratingly difficult to make progress on for several months, with the work continually not being started as promised….   This is Mexico!

I finally got away from the dock at San Carlos around one o’clock on Wed 28th October after a prolonged Internet session at nearby Tequila’s (there’d be no Internet possibility once away) and having spent quite a time securing 3 newly-filled propane tanks in the gas locker, organizing  the dinghy and stowing my fold-up bike.

As expected, the wind was on the nose the entire way, so we motored north solidly, arriving  at Ensenada Chica just in time to anchor and relax before sunset…  Except that I couldn’t turn off the engine – the newly-installed replacement (keyed) start panel refused to respond when switched off…  The motor kept running….  (I realized a day later that I should have pressed the ‘Stop’ button before switching off , not after… obvious when you think about it!)

I had to get into the engine compartment to operate the emergency solenoid fuel cut-off.  Fortunately, I knew where to find it but was worried that the engine was hot and I had to reach down the far side of it….    It was a big relief when it stopped and I was able to relax and enjoy the dramatic view of pink, high, well-eroded-sandstone rocks and hills – so typical of the Sea of Cortez coastline and made even more spectacular as the sun began to set.


Where I’d anchored is reasonably well-protected from north winds – sudden, strong Northers being the main worry over the winter months.   With good, accurate, weather information difficult to come by in this area, it’s best to be safe and head for such protected anchorages, despite the frequent flat calm encountered on the way.

After cooking a meal, I planned my forthcoming passages over to Puerto Refugio and Este Ton, both on Isla Ángel de la Guarda, off the Baja coast, using two pilot books giving anchorages in the area – and also my iPad which I’d loaded, using Tequila’s Internet access, with detailed Google Earth photos of the coast and islands to back up other information.

From weather info given the next morning (Thursday) on several HF radio Nets and also from grib files I’d downloaded, it was clear a Norther ‘blow’ was expected – on Friday, they all said…  So I decided to head to a “textbook” secure anchorage a short distance further north, to wait for the Norther to pass.

Ensenada Julio Villa was certainly very calm, with none of the fair-sized SW swell which had built up entering it, but the cove was a lot smaller than I expected and also rather shallow.  Tidal info is not available for a lot of the Sea of Cortez so I ‘guesstimated’ the time and height of Low Water that evening by reference to a place on the other side of the Sea at a similar latitude.  .   
Rocky outcrops to East and West of entrance....    with sandy beach on North side of cove: 

Anchoring in 12 feet (3.7 (m) of water, well away from the entrance rocks, did not feel too good but it was around mid-tide as I checked the depth on display using a lead line – it was over-reading just 8 inches (0.2m) – not normally a problem…  I  snorkelled to check on the seabed below the keel and found sand with lots of small boulders.   But later, when 9ft was shown and not knowing exactly how soon LW was expected, I moved closer to the entrance while there was still good daylight, re-anchoring in deeper water but still protected from the waves outside… But we were now a little closer to the rocks on either side of the entrance and I could not deploy as much chain as I would have liked since it would place us too close to the rocks astern.   When the expected strong NW wind came, the extended chain would place us even closer to them.   I thought about deploying a second anchor but that doesn’t leave much freedom for a quick escape if needed.… and there wasn’t anywhere else close by to make for that would give protection from the NW.

I was, by now, feeling decidedly uncomfortable and very aware that the barometer had been steadily falling and was now very low - at 1002 hPa – but the forecast was for the Norther to arrive the next afternoon…  

As soon as pitch darkness had fallen, before moonrise, the wind quickly began to build and I heard occasional sounds from the bow so I went there thinking maybe I should organize a snubber (closing hatches on the way as I did so!) – but soon realized that the anchor was beginning to drag – and almost immediately felt and heard it dragging a lot…  The high rocky hill astern loomed closer in the darkness.  I dived back to the wheel and turned on the engine – but we were already on the rocks with the wind, now 28-30 knots, trying to push us further on.   I could see one rock glistening black at the water surface close by to port and the rudder would only move a small amount either way, so clearly there were rocks to either side of it or it was already stuck in a crevice - but the water depth (near the bow) was reading 9ft.

Desperately trying to save the boat, I powered the motor to maximum revs, hoping to prevent us from being driven further onto the rocks by the wind.  Nothing happened and I was thinking,  “If I have to keep on like this for some time (until after the tide turned, in several hours’ time, maybe), so be it – anything to prevent us getting damaged by from going further onto the rocks.  There’s no-one around to help…”    I could hear occasional crunching under the keel from the rocks there but my impression was that the hull was, so far, clear of danger.

I kept on powering forward, moving the rudder very slightly at times in an effort to free the boat by getting it to change its position…the boat occasionally rocked slightly which I felt boded well – “If the boat would only move a bit more,” I thought, “We might stand a chance of getting away… “

After an age not making any progress, I suddenly felt a small forward movement – and then we bumped away and off the rocks….   What relief!  

Steering us in the direction of the cove entrance proved surprisingly difficult (clearly not helped by chain and anchor being still deployed) and as we seemed to veer out of control and head to the beach, I was fearful we’d end up in more trouble, but she finally responded to my steering efforts and we made it out of the cove and into open water – where the seas had already built substantially – definitely a ‘washing machine’ action…!

The anchor and chain needed to be taken in urgently.  I reduced the revs a little to make it easier and kept us making headway towards deeper water, away from the headland where the cove lay, although only making about 2kt into the 30kt headwind.   Switching to autopilot, I went forward to a bow that was crashing into the rough seas.   The moon had still not risen yet but the navlights I’d hurriedly gone below to switch on showed just how rough and big the seas were – tossing us around like the proverbial cork, with resulting chaos down below.
Thankfully, the windlass gave no problem and I was able to work with the wave action, getting the chain in gradually, in fits and starts, as we plunged into the oncoming waves, having regularly to move piled-up chain clear of the windlass gipsy inside the chain locker  … The anchor came in finally also, although I noticed it was upside down as it came up…   Far too dangerous in those seas to do anything about that – I was just thankful it was in and all seemed secure so I could get back to the wheel - and grab some extra (dry!) clothing to put on…

As we headed south towards San Carlos (a safe haven, for sure), our slow change of direction, as we followed the coast well offshore, gradually brought the oncoming seas abaft our beam – lessening slightly the violent motion.  Eventually we were running downwind – although still being tossed round in rather confused, angry seas.

I was thoroughly relieved that, when headed north, I’d circled a big, high rock (El Acero – the Sword), partly to look for a colony of sea-lions said to inhabit it and partly because it was well over a mile off the coast, rather than just the ½ mile shown on the chart. If I hadn’t marked its position on my plotter, I could possibly have run into it in the darkness but I was now able to steer well clear of it.

Reaching San Carlos, nearly thirty miles away, took until gone 2a.m. with nowhere else to take refuge.  Entering the Bahia, the seas calmed and the wind died – despite 20 knots of wind and rough seas just outside.  The high twin peaks of Tetakawi – the distinctive symbol of San Carlos – and the other high hills around give the harbour wonderful protection from the north.

On trying to drop the anchor in the tranquil bay to get a much-needed rest, I discovered it was firmly wedged and refused to move, despite prolonged hammering in an effort to free it….  

I was not inclined to struggle in the dark with readying my secondary anchor at that point – far simpler to get fenders and lines ready and cautiously make my way through the badly lit channel, past mostly unlit boats, piles and docks to the marina Fuel Dock – empty…  Great! 

Stepping off onto the dock to tie up carefully alongside was the prelude to a good sleep onboard – I knew Pedro would recognize my boat and kindly move it along carefully if needed, in order to let another one fuel up – as happened early in the morning…   I turned over and slept on….  I was safe and so also, it seemed, was Nereida

Postscript:  The rudder had been damaged – the bottom was broken off (which possibly was the reason for my steering problem immediately after getting free if it was still partly attached for a time) - but the greater part of it was still there.  Being a sturdily-made semi skeg-hung rudder meant I came off the rocks with a rudder to steer with, rather than the entire rudder being torn away and/or bent, as some might well have been.   The propeller (a Brunton’s Autoprop) was fine and had, as usual, performed well and the hull was totally undamaged, as I’d thought.  Some small sections on the base of the lead keel were slightly dented – but nothing major.   “Nereida” is now on the hard in San Carlos - the Mexicans excel at this kind of repair but I'm having to bring down foam from the USA for the core.


News from Santa Rosalia in Sea of Cortez, on inside (East) coast of Baja California Sur

Friday 14th August 2015 - Santa Rosalia

It's been lovely to be away from the dock on 'Nereida', often at anchor, often in deserted coves with brilliant sunsets to enjoy!  The Sea of Cortez has some spectacular scenery and plenty of places to anchor in....

With only rare access to Internet and a problem at present with emailing log reports to my website, I've been emailing my regular logs to:  http://synereida.livejournal.com/

Some photos have also been just posted to my Facebook 'sailing' page:  https://www.facebook.com/SVNereida     Click Sea of Cortez to see that album - updated whenever I have Internet access.

I've really been enjoying snorkelling among the rocks close to my last few anchorages - so many lovely fish to enjoy - it's been a long time since I last did that...  THe big Cortez Damsel is one of many beautiful fish I've enjoyed seeing - from tiny vivid blue ones to large groupers etc.

On now further north, maybe to Trinidad (!) for tonight.... before heading slowly on towards Bahia de los Angeles ... I'm definitely in 'ambling' mode, just now.   Wherever I will be, I'll be posting my daily positions on www.winlink.org under the callsign kc2iov - accessed easily from my website 'Travels' page link ("Where is Nereida?"), ...or by clicking HERE, if preferred.




Leaving San Carlos

Sunday 2nd August 2015 - about to leave San Carlos to explore Sea of Cortez

I'm writing this from the Embarcadero in Marina San Carlos, where I just indulged, unusually, in a lovely full breakfast in company with a lot of Mexican families, down with their children on holiday.  They make frequent day-trips out on the charter boats here, with their return around sunset made clear by lively music, often to the accompaniment of the entire boatload of people joining in the songs, whose words they all seem to know perfectly!  For Mexicans, men and women equally, I believe life without frequent singing and dancing would be unthinkable, they love both so much.

After a lot of boatwork, despite the present hot and humid conditions, we're about to get away sailing - it will be great to be at sea once more and away from the dock!  Project for today is to inflate my dinghy to check for no leaks, hopefully, and also confirm my little outboard is working OK.  I'm hoping to anchor a lot in some of the many lovely anchorages in the Sea of Cortez, especially over on the Baja (west) side of the Sea - lots to explore and enjoy, while keeping a careful eye on weather, in order to avoid any hurricanes that might threaten - none at present!
Temperatures are above 100F/38C regularly over the middle of the day - and don't drop down much overnight, so my new fans are constantly in good use!  There's very little wind except most afternoons when an onshore breeze, sometimes very strong, gets up for just a couple of hours, before we're back to a flat calm, making for lovely reflections at night!
I'll need to fuel up, there's so little wind to rely on for sailing - but distances between possible anchorages are not far, so I should have plenty for the next few weeks. My solar panels have been putting plenty into the batteries - fans and LED lights take very little power.  The main problem comes when I start using my SSB/HF radio - transmitting takes a lot of power, unlike receiving, so my little genset will come in handy to top up when needed for emailing or voice contact with radio friends.  There's no Internet out at Sea so my Pactor modem for emailing and weatherfaxes via my radio and computer will be made good use of.
Any good photos I take will have to wait to be posted - there's only very occasional Internet access onshore since the Sea of Cortez has very few villages along its coastline.
Bye for now.....   Hasta la vista...! 

Arrival in San Carlos... Blanca dies down as she heads N over the Baja

Wednesday 3rd June 2015: Landfall in San Carlos, Sea of Cortez, Mexico
{Monday 8th June - all looking fine, despite a very overcast, breezy day - TS Blanca has reduced to a Low and winds and rain here in San Carlos are not much, although over on the Baja peninsula conditions have been a bit stronger - but nothing too bad, TG!}
Reid Inlet, Alaska05
June 7th, 8:00
The friendly little swallows on the boat opposite me in Isla Mazatlan had fledged their nestlings . The closed stern barbecue conveniently had a hole at one end that was just the right size for them.. It seemed the right time to leave Mazatlan to head north again - the prospect of sailing overnight in the bright light of a full moon was appealing...

The hurricane season has started up with a vengeance - Andres obligingly turned out to sea, as expected, but was very early and increased to well over a hundred miles per hour... To my surprise, Blanca was hot on his heels and looking quite threatening, as I made my way up to the Sea of Cortez, in a good southerly swell. I'd spent a pleasant couple of evenings before leaving, firstly with cruiser friends and then with Osvaldo (skipper of 'Romance') and his family..

I was sorry Eduardo (skipper of 'Mi Casa') hadn't taken up my offer of a farewell 'cerveza' on my last afternoon. Both he and Osvaldo had been very keen to help me in whatever way they could, but Eduardo clearly didn't realise just how early I wanted to leave ..... By 7am, I was well underway, avoiding the dredger in the shallow entrance channel and hoping not to run into difficulties with the big swell over the entrance bar. The waves were crashing heavily into the nearby shore, coming from the S as a result of the hurricanes not so far away. Eduardo had appointed himself my Press Agent and I'd had two newspaper interviews and one TV interview by the time I had left - a severe test of the minimal Spanish I've been working hard at trying to improve.. Fortunately, Eduardo was close at hand with his good English, to translate when needed. My time in Mazatlan was made very enjoyable by the many friendly people I met up with (a wedding party included!) and I hope to return there soon.

My passage N was, as expected, full of motoring in increasingly calm seas with a diminishing S swell and occasional light breezes from just about every direction as the heat of the day caused an onshore sea breeze and; later; offshore land breezes. The mainsail had been raised from the start but I was only able to enjoy the peace of sailing a few times in all, with quite a nice downwind run under poled-out genoa, goosewinged for a few hours.
Dolphins came by several times and. in the heat of the midday sun, I enjoyed a brief dip in the sea and a delicious deck shower within sight of San Carlos entrance and its familiar, distinctive, twin peaks . Other boats were only seen on arrival - surprisingly, I'd had the sea, sun and stars to myself for three days!

Now in harbour, I'm trying to find the cause of a major problem I had on passage - the toilet kept back-filling with sea water ... I had to turn off the outlet seacock to prevent the boat from flooding... Quite a worry, but a relief to see the water level in the bowl stay low in the end... I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. The other smaller problem was finding the motor stopping unexpectedly when I reduced power quickly (I was very gentle coming in to dock!). Luckily, there are two good mechanics here in San Carlos, so that problem should be easy to fix.. The other nice thing is the friends and acquaintances that are here - it has felt like a bit of a 'homecoming' having been here for most of last year when I met so many people - but I hope not to be on the hard again this time.

Blanca is still a worry and several boats have crossed over from the Baja peninsula to escape the very strong winds and heavy rain expected - far more so over there, to the West, than is forecast for here (Historically, San Carlos has been a good 'hurricane hole'). With any luck, Cabo San Lucas and the Baja won't be hit too hard. We were expecting some strong weather here also but the last I heard, Blanca will move out into the Pacific soon and not cause so much trouble on land as had been feared. ... Fingers crossed!  (Well, she actually came onshore at Cabo San Lucas and La Paz and on North, but diminished as she came - see above)

Arrival in Mazatlan: 9 May 2015

Report from Mazatlan: 19 May 2015

La Cruz de Juanacaxtle was left behind early in the morning on 8th May, with the idea of stopping at anchor overnight close to the small island of Isla Isabela - a bird reserve where frigates and boobies nest and lizards abound.  But my alarm failed and I left two hours later than intended - which meant that by the time I  got close to Isabela it was too dark to anchor - it was just not a safe option with all the rocks around.

I had the engine running and although I'd raised the main hopefully before leaving, there had been almost no wind all the way so far.  Speaking to the Pacific Seafarers' Net, I decided to cut the engine, hoping to reduce the noise on frequency - it made no difference!  I debated going a good distance off and trying to heave to (but little wind for that to work) or maybe I could just drift around until first light, when I'd be able to anchor and spend the day snorkelling and relaxing.

But the engine refused to start from the cockpit and made very unhappy noises each time I tried...  Eventually, I persuaded it to start but the incident made me feel it would be best to push on to Mazatlan overnight so problem could be looked at. Still very little wind so little chance to sail....

Fairway buoy, well off Mazatlan Harbour entrance channel, seen in the distance in second photo:m 20150508 143006   m 20150508 143041  

Distinctive hill at entrance to Mazatlan main harbour:

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Plenty of small islands along the coast, with shallows inshore, heading north of the old town:

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Small, but hard ....a !urking rock to be avoided!  View looking back to Mazatlan harbour entrance and old town:

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As I got within sight of the newer (small boat) harbour entrance mid-afternoon, having passed the old Mazatlan Harbour (used by larger vessels and the ferry over to the Baja peninsula) an hour or two earlier, the engine failed again, close to the rocky lee shore of Isla Pajaros with what was by now an onshore breeze blowing... My suspicion was lack of fuel, having heard the engine noise varying in pitch not long before - but, on checking, there was plenty in the tank, so I then suspected dirty fuel/clogged filter.  No time to investigate ... The genoa was quickly unfurled (the mainsail had already been dropped ready for entering harbour under motor) and I was able to sail gently away from immediate danger. Nice to be a sailboat, not a motorboat, in such situations!

The anchor was dropped not too far from where I could see the breakwater marking the entrance channel.  I changed the fuel filter (TG for an easy switch-over Racor system!) and tried the engine again, connecting the house batteries to the start battery for extra 'oomph'.... Initially, it still wouldn't start properly but eventually it started and kept going... (I'd begun to wonder if injectors were a problem) Friend Randy ('Spirit of Hanalei') had come out with two helpful Mexicans in a panga to give a tow but instead was able to escort me to a berth.  

The engine instrument panel had failed, along with its start switch, so it was good to be able to use a switch I'd installed on the start motor to avoid using a screw driver across the terminals(!). The Maztlan Port Captain had not been helpful over radio when he'd been asked for assistance, so I was lucky to have been able, quite by chance, to contact Randy on VHF radio (nice to have that working well now!)... and to have sandy shallows nearby to anchor in safety. (Was told early on that the tide was too low to enter over harbour entrance bar, so I had to wait two hours anyway) Would have been a difficult, although not impossible, unfamiliar marina berthing under sail with the strong afternoon onshore thermal wind. (There's little or no wind overnight, when it gets quite cool, nor in the mornings.)
Nearly forgot to mention that the main GPS had stopped working most of the way - but immediately worked fine when at the dock. (Why....?)  AIS was playing up all the way also - kept switching itself off - seems like an overheating problem.  Very frustrating since it was now supplying the missing GPS info to the instruments - so position info kept going down...  Nice to be well offshore then!  Another, more major, problem was that my small laptop refused to start up halfway through the passage.  It had been fine when I had sent out emails and got weather info via my lovely fast Pactor 4 modem and my HF radio but it then doggedly played 'dead' - and has done so ever since...   I'm trying to get a replacement battery, hoping that is what it needs...
Not surprisingly, I took Sunday off to go in by bus with cruiser friend Joy to explore and visit the indoor market:
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which is not far from the Cathedral:  
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Old Mazatlan's 'centro historico' is lovely, although many lived-in buildings with beautiful facades have ruined places just next door.  This one makes a feature of the overgrown building which has only been partly restored - for use as a lovely, well-shaded restaurant, complete with hanging vines and a photo of the original owner of what was once a grand mansion with a typical big courtyard behind the immense heavy wooden front doors....
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  It's a lovely restful area -  on a Sunday, at least!          m 20150510 162725 
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 Since then I've been busy with boat jobs, trying to shorten the list in between struggling with the poor Internet connection to get my website up to date and deal with emails etc.  (This update has taken most of today!)
My main worry was the engine and what also seemed to be both a charging problem and a start battery problem.  I kept a careful eye on the batteries, which were well down on arrival, and once they were reasonably well-charged (by just solar and wind since shore-charger has been dead for a long time now!), I was able to start the small generator to give them a real boost.  The start battery held its charge fine for several days, so I finally tried to start the main engine - using the cockpit switch... and it ran, first time of trying...!   The other good news was it was charging OK...  it didn't falter or stop... and I didn't have to use the switch on the start motor in the engine compartment...   Can't see why a clogged filter should have resulted in so many other problems - but I celebrated that night!!
In between, I topped up the fuel tank from the jerry cans and then gave the cockpit and the area all around a good clean - floor, drains, sprayhood(a.k.a. 'dodger') and windows are now all thoroughly dust-free.  The sun has been getting very hot by midday, so I've rigged a sunshade over the cockpit, but the nights are nice and cool, after the usual strong afternoon onshore breeze.
 Saturday's major job was persuading the life raft to move along the stern rail, away from the stern light and Hydrovane control line.  Took the energetic and noisy use of a rubber mallet along with a lot of determination not to give in - but eventually won the day and got it to move to a better position.  Went on to replace a third reef line, wired some shackles, and re-ran lines through mast-base sheaves to & through a turning block and clutches.  More work on replacing lines is needed.
Also had help from a friendly Mexican boat nearby... "Si quieres ayudar..."  said Oswaldo - so, needing some muscle, I took him up on his offer and they willingly helped with a problem I'd had while working on re-fixing the hard sprayhood to its steel support using some spacers.  Ended yesterday by replacing some bungy on the H'vane control line...  Nothing very exciting but all useful work that has been on my list for quite a time - so it was a satisfying weekend's work.
Went and had a good pizza with friends last night - made a change from Mexican and they do them well here!
Spanish is improving with use - nice to be able to chat to people, even though it's limited still.
Hope to get a few more things done over the next few days before heading further north - hurricane season is about to start up, so I need to get 'Nereida" out of harm's way..

9Feb2015 - La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit, Mexico

Monday 9 February 2015 - La Cruz de Huanacaxtle

A good visit to London for the January Boat Show where I gave two well-attended presentations on my sailing and saw several people about technical problems and replacement parts, with very helpful outcomes.  It was nice to meet up unexpectedly with good friends visiting the Show… and good fun ‘riding’ a Honda race bike on the new Show’s sponsors’ stand (CWMFX):


Before leaving for London, I had prepared 'Nereida' for my planned passage by tidying and stowing things away, as well as checking the engine and generator ….neither of which wanted to start!  Alejandro had come by that weekend to remove old impellor bits from the entry to the heat exchanger - even more bits were there than I'd expected, so that was a good job done.

 mAlex with impeller bits

While I was in London, Jesus and Salvador saw to the two engines - and reported the start problem in both cases was due to corrosion which they were able to deal with fairly easily - but corrosion in several other areas on wiring and connectors was something I would need to check over on my return.

Back to Phoenix from LHR and then a drive on to Ajo with friends Ed and Charlene to get some sleep before crossing border into Mexico...  Up with the sun, hoping to arrive San Carlos mid-afternoon, but Mexican Customs wanted to charge an inflated amount of tax for their replacement ship's motor so we returned to Ajo to leave the motor behind and retraced our route through Arizona's fascinating 'Organ Pipe Cactus' National Park to the border and beyond, with some dramatic mountains just south of the border:

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We arrived well after dark, just in time to get fresh provisions at Santa Rosa's and then a meal at "L'Esquina" before making for the marina to get ready for leaving at High Water, soon after midnight.  It was essential to leave by 2 a.m., to be sure of getting out safely with Nereida's nearly 7ft draft, but there was a distinct lack of lit channel markers out from the marina entrance through Bahia San Carlos and the night was pitch dark with overcast skies, so it was nice to have Charlene's extra pair of eyes to keep a look out ...  Even so, we only just missed some new, unlit pilings where an extension to the present docks is being built out into the Bahia.

It was a relief finally to make clear water, having avoided both the shallows to starboard and some dark islands and rocks to port on our way out...   There was no wind so we were motoring and once further out into the Sea of Cortez (a.k.a. Gulf of California) there was a distinctly uncomfortable short swell which frequently made us roll about over the next two windless days.

Charlene was keeping me company for the 4-5 day nonstop sail south which meant we could keep a good watch overnight for the expected fishing boats and ferries en route.   In the event, almost none were seen but it was a nice trip down, with lovely clear starry skies at night and the seas slowly lessening. We got very excited on seeing a pair of whales close by and lots of dolphins and seabirds another time.  This area is well-known for its marine life.

The tides had quite an effect on our speed which ranged from 4.7kt to 6.3kt.  Up in the far N of the Sea of Cortez, the tidal range is 20ft or so, with currents of up to 11 kt in some inter-island passages, but as we headed further S the tidal effect lessened.  On the last day, some wind arrived as we approached the islands of 'Las Marias'. so we finally had a nice peaceful sail into the night, with a beautiful sunrise over Banderas Bay as we got close to the small rocky Marietta islands in the entrance.

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We made La Cruz de Juanacaxtle early on 28th January and soon met up with Canadian friends Maggie and Tom, who had flown in to Puerto Vallarta the day before to cruise with me on 'Nereida' for a time.   It's been a very nice change to have company on board!  Being boat-owners themselves, Tom and Maggie have helped me with several boat jobs, one being replacement of the corroded antenna lead to my backstay in an effort to resolve an urgent on-going problem:  the HF/SSB radio has totally lost transmission power.

 A ham friend, Don N7BD, has kindly sent me a Watt meter to instal in the system and Dan of 'Dazzler' came over with a long coax lead to test the connection directly between my radio and the tuner - the radio transmission was booming out...!  Conclusion?  ...Corrosion in one or more of my coax connector(s)?

(Today I had a lot more help from Eric, from s/v 'Scoots', using my new SWR/Watt meter with a dummy load and checking all connections.  There seems to be a ground problem to the tuner – sometimes it tunes, sometimes not - and I spent all afternoon removing cables, a shelf and lots of other items around the radio, to gain access to what seems to be the possible faulty connection.  "Work in progress...!"  Postscript on Friday 13th Feb: All now working fine, with more much-appreciated help from Eric.  Turned into a bad ground connection in two places, a cable and the tuner connection, both now dealt with - so I can now make good radio contact, although the Marina causes a lot of noise.  Winlink is now also working fine, using the new Pactor 4 'Dragon' modem and a bluetooth connection - so we're back in action...Making use of the new SWR meter - Many thanks to Don, N7BD.  If I hadn't gone down with a bad cold, with loss of voice and a sore throat over the last few days, all would be good - but recovery must take place soon and I've been getting lots of sleep to help things along)

With Maggie and Tom, we sailed over to Yelapa last Wednesday, on the opposite side of Banderas Bay from La Cruz...  What a delightful village!  It has only had electricity for two years now and its steep, cobbled, narrow, winding streets cannot take any cars. Not surprisingly, there's a lot of building work going on by N. Americans, renovating dilapidated old village houses to use over the winter period when it's cold and icy back north where they live!   We walked up to where a high waterfall tumbles over a steep cliff into a pool, surrounded by high trees on the edge of the village - a beautiful green spot.   The busy coast road passes quite a distance away, at the end of a steep path, so the main approach is by sea.

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Lots of tourist 'pangas' bring people for the day from elsewhere in Banderas Bay to enjoy a long sandy beach opposite the village at the river entrance in the bay.  We picked up a mooring buoy in 50m/160ft depth of water close inshore - anchoring here is difficult with the sea-bed dropping away so steeply and small fishing boats moored in the small area of shallower water close to the main village.  The weather was fairly calm but the small bay in which the village lies is open to big swells when the wind gets up.   We had an enjoyable two nights there and I vowed I'd return soon.  On the way back to La Cruz, we had good sightings of several pairs of whales (a couple breached) as well as dolphins and a turtle, in addition to the usual frigate birds, boobies, gulls and pelicans.

Now I'm alone again, it's back to boatwork in the daytime - but there's plenty of excellent live music of an evening here in La Cruz.  Sunday evening was spent with friends Robert and Rose of 'Tillicum' at the 'Black Forest' restaurant - with fabulous classical guitar-playing by 'Lobo' during the entire evening.  There are several good places to eat here and I keep meeting up with cruiser friends last seen in San Carlos.  The weather is mostly dry and sunny, with just the occasional heavy rainstorm - as we had early last week....   So I'm looking forward to a nice mix of productive daytime work and plenty of evening music over the next few weeks here.

Hot work on the hard...

24th June 2014 - from Marina Seca, San Carlos, Mexico

I've been busy since my return but it's baking hot here (35C/95F in shade) from 8 a.m. onward - I've been getting up early, to start work while it's cooler - often around 5:30 am!! By midday, it's difficult to do anything much - above or below deck... (and painting, epoxy work & varnishing is impossible!). It gets very tiring trying to get work done in the heat of day and I'm drinking loads of water and fruit juices. Some people have installed air-conditioning - lucky! There's a good fan above my main bunk which makes for a reasonable sleep overnight and I eventually managed to rig some sunshade, making a big difference on deck. Work is going very slowly, with collar bone problem not having helped (even now, it often still aches) and even the Mexicans slow down in the heat, not surprisingly. It's so hot that the laptop starts overheating & misbehaving during daytime. We're in a desert here!

A couple of weeks ago, the steering wheel was removed to expose the totally rusted/useless/ 'exploded' bearings - had three very knowledgeable and experienced guys helping, with great difficulty, to remove the steering components and take everything apart - bad corrosion helped by mix of aluminium and steel in a poorly-designed system with little or no anti-seizing grease used originally - no wonder steering had been difficult - amazing that I was able to steer at all! A local good metal worker in the town of Guaymas nearby had to deal with some damage unavoidably caused to some items during removal of the steering system shaft and bearings and I also had to find the local bearng specialist to replace one bearing I didn't have a spare for...

The keel is looking good after a lot of effort by yard workers Sergio and Edgar who have stripped off all the old anti-fouling, faired the lead keel and its join to the GRP stub and then coated everywhere with epoxy. I sanded some parts myself - including the propellor and shaft, ready for Propspeed to be applied later. The plan was immediately to apply the Coppercoat in the early morning, around sunrise.... but the heat, even so early, has put that plan on hold until October. In the meantime, the epoxy is reacting to the intense sunlight, so I'll have to cover it up during the 3-4 months in dry storage.

I managed to sunburn my back while dealing with the starboard forward lower shroud that had broken loose on my way down the South Pacific towards Cape Horn in December 2012. All I had to do was undo a connector, loosen the rigging , replace the shroud protector, tension the shroud correctly and secure a few split pins - but I managed to replace the protector upside down - so had to undo and re-do a lot of work - all took a time in the burning midday sun with no shade over me - not good!

The yard workers are presently making a hard top in place of my canvas sprayhood... Glass fibre is about to be applied, after a long time preparing the 'mould' - mostly in wood, with Formica covering, resulting in my having to perform a 'limbo dance' in order to access the companionway steps to get down below...

The good news is several cruiser friends here being helpful and the Mexicans generally being cheerful and friendly - although timing is not their forte!  There are many other jobs still waiting...   many as a result of my recent ocean voyaging...  Rough seas are tough on a boat!

I gave a well-attended Presentation on my solo sailing recently in 'Tequilas' with a rigged-upcloth for screen and Pitt and Ron supplying essential equipment and generally being very helpful - it was good to enjoy the air conditioning!

Later last week, I decided to take a break from being constantly in the dusty, hot workyard and went over to walk around the marina area after my shower - and enjoyed some live music... 'Los Tres Amigos' grew to 'Los Seis Amigos' when two more guitarists and a harmonica-player joined the group! I later had a lovely walk back in the light of the full moon.... San Carlos feels very safe. The evenings after sunset are definitely the best time - a lovely cold shower and a walk in the night air are very welcome.

While waiting for a ride down from Phoenix/Tucson area back to San Carlos, I heard that old boat-friends Karen and Bryan were not far away - so had an unexpected, very enjoyable trip to Clarkdale, with visits to the fabulous red rocky outcrops of Sedona, old Cottonwood, the old Native settlements of the (mis-named) Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot and a fascinating high lake (equally mis-named Montezuma's Well!) caused by upwelling of underground water - a resource for locals from time immemorial...

Santa Cruz

Monday 11th November 2013

Up to have breakfast in the open air in company at Aldo's (with Suzy, John, Brian), before heading over to the fuel dock with Brian for some circling around, while waiting to tie up and top up with diesel - lots more motoring is likely in the light winds expected during the 2-day passage to Marina del Rey - in between Santa Monica and Los Angeles.

It's been a busy 3-day stay in Santa Cruz with at least one good job done - I finally fixed the rod-kicker/vang firmly in place onto the boom with three machine-screws on Saturday - two were completely missing and the third had come completely loose, so the mainsheet was just holding down the boom, whose end was rather high. A nearby boater kindly helped pull out the split pin and knock out the clevis pin holding the kicker connection onto the boom and the rest was straightforward.

That was done in between lots of visitors - it's been delightful to have had so many people coming by when they realized I was tied up in the harbour - some had read of my travels in 'Latitude 38', others via my website logs, but all were friendly and it was lovely of them to take the time to stop by to welcome me to Santa Cruz. Brian Beers and his wife Louisa have been great - as well as dining together, laundry was dealt with and wholesome soups and snacks, as well as a big bag of 'long-term goodies', were left with me - I'm going to have to ration my intake if my waist is to remain intact!

It was great to watch some of the local Junior sailors rig up their Lasers before going out on Sunday in light airs.... to be among pelicans, gulls and sealions in a feeding frenzy inside and outside the harbour entance, where a large shoal of anchovies have been present for quite some time - and are being fed on by whales as well. (I kept hearing that two whales, at least, were just off the breakwater nearby, but missed seeing them.) Big 'aerators' have been installed in the river to try to prevent a recurrence of the recent mass 'die-off' of the anchovies - there were so many of them in the water, they were starved of oxygen.

Ham friends came by both to chat and to help ... We all had lunch and Jim, K9YC, came back two days later and spent quite a time with a view to reducing RF noise on the radio using big ferrites - I'd had to empty out the aft cabin (again ..... no mean feat!) to access wiring and was able to add a 'noise silencer' to the coax lead at the tuner. I later had help from Ray Millard, with his sailing grand-daughter Lilly and family, who'd driven over to visit from Monterey, with putting the cabin back together so I could sleep there Sunday night....

Suzy C. came by and took me out to the 'surfing hotspot' (calm sea, NO surf ...!) close to the green O'Neill house overlooking the sea, after we'd first walked out to the light-house to watch the dive-bombing pelicans, excited terns and gulls and the well-organized sealions working the anchovies in groups - a good photo-opportunity! I chatted to cruisers on two visiting boats - sturdy aluminium 'Perpetua' from Bellingham is headed S (I tried to help them with their radio/emailing set-up) and wooden 'Morning Star' was headed N, back home to Alameda - they were lucky to have light S winds to help that passage yesterday.

Very many thanks to everyone (including Greg at SCYC), especially Brian & Jim. I enjoyed my stay and would have liked to have stayed a bit longer.

As I've been writing this, darkness has been falling and we've just rounded Point Sur,with its light-house flashing a bright white light every 1 in 15 seconds on a coast otherwise almost devoid of lights. I had a short sleep earlier and have set the radar on alarm, as well as the usual AIS. But I'll still have to grab just very short naps overnight- we're not offshore enough to do anything else. The wind is light northerly, our course is SSE and we're having to motor to maintain 5kt with mainsail set, but doing very little.